This is the second part of the List of Inspirational Movies. I would continue the same method for 10 movies and rest will add just Posters alongside its name.
This is the link to the first post of the series ->
None of the movies are arranged according to the ranks as I cannot choose accordingly. Here it goes;
About the Movie:
The movie is set in 19th century and I loved the character played by Tom Cruise. I always had been a huge fan of Tom Cruise and watching him such film where there is huge scope for performance, I was delighted indeed. I loved the movie and all the characters of the movie. It was touching with some brilliant cinematography and direction.
The Japanese King tired of Samurai’s defense hires and imports soldiers and guns to train his army and tom cruise dons the role of commander to teach the king’s army fight against the Samurai’s of Japan. In an attack tom cruise is captured but not killed instead is taught about the living style of Samurai’s, train him and provides all the information he needs about the Samurai’s. Eventually he ends up liking those Savages (what he used to call earlier) and their discipline.
Katsumoto – the leader of the Samurai who takes care of tom cruise during his abduction releases him back to the army where he belongs. When tom comes to know about the plans to kill Katsumoto he decides to join them in the war against the army of japan where each and every Samurai in the war is killed against the use of heavy war equipment’s from the Japanese army. What happens next, please watch the movie.
Movie Quotes:
Algren: There is Life in every breath…
Algren: I think a man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed.
Katsumoto: The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life.
Zebulon Gant: When you understand the language, sir, everything falls into place
Simon Graham: I say, Japan was made by a handful of brave men. Warriors, willing to give their lives for what seems to have become a forgotten word: honor.
Katsumoto: Many of our customs seem strange to you. And the same is true of yours. For example, not to introduce yourself is considered extremely rude, even among enemies
Algren – From the moment they wake, they devote themselves to the perfection of whatever they pursue
Algren – There is some comfort in the emptiness of the sea, no past, no future.
About the Movie:
Each and every Indian knows the name of Bapuji – The Mahatma Gandhi, symbol of non-violence, freedom fighter, greatest political leader and Father of our Nation. What Indian actors could not do it, Mr. Ben Kingsley did it. He not only looked, walked, behaved like Gandhiji but also his speech delivery was fantastic. Though it is a long movie you hardly get bored obviously India was going through so many political waves from British empires rulers to individual freedom fighters to other political parties. It portrays from 1915 to until the Independence Day, a Biopic of our babuji. All supporting casts are brilliant.
Movie Quote:
Gandhi: I am a Muslim and a Hindu and a Christian and a Jew and so are all of you.
Gandhi: I want to welcome you all. Every one of you. We have no secrets. Let us begin by being clear… about General Smuts new law. All Indians must now be fingerprinted… like criminals. Men and women. No marriage other than a Christian marriage is considered valid. Under this act our wives and mothers are whores. And every man here is a bastard. He has become quite good at this. And a policeman passing an Indian dwelling, I will not call them homes, may enter and demand the card of any Indian woman whose dwelling it is.
Gandhi: An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
Gandhi: If you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.
Gandhi: They may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me, then they will have my dead body. NOT MY OBEDIENCE!
Gandhi: The function of a civil resistance is to provoke response and we will continue to provoke until they respond or change the law. They are not in control; we are.
Gandhi: I was called to the bar in London, and enrolled at the High Court of Chancery. I am, therefore, an attorney. And, since I am in your eyes coloured, I think we can deduce that there is at least one coloured attorney in South Africa.
Gandhi: Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it: always
About the Movie:
It’s a story based on colorful American Industrialist, Millionaire and Aviator Howard Hughes who gets into Hollywood business, taking director’s seat to direct his firm film “Hell’s Angels” about the World War 1 which becomes a Monumental hit. Though he becomes famous, rich and influential he is not totally accepted by the older buddies of Hollywood. As he loves flying planes he starts designing new planes and testing and risking his own life and entering into new businesses such as Airlines named Trans-World gaining more powerful enemies. As he was working so hard his stress level had its impact on his mind as he was slowly falling into agoraphobic or germ phobia. He used to lock his room and sit in their naked for days. The mind blowing performance is given by Leonardo during the last 15-20 minutes when he tries to come out of his mental state and build the largest plane on earth flying it all by himself.
Movie Quote:
Howard Hughes: Don’t tell me I can’t do it. Don’t tell me it can’t be done
Howard Hughes: Sometimes I truly fear that I… am losing my mind. And if I did it… it would be like flying blind.
Howard Hughes: When I grow up, I’m gonna make the biggest movies, fly the fastest planes ever built, and be the richest man in the world.
Katharine Hepburn: Ha! Men can’t be friends with women. They must possess them or leave them be. It’s a primitive urge from caveman days. Hunt the flesh. Kill the flesh. Eat the flesh. That’s the male sex all over
Noah Dietrich: You just placed the largest order for airplanes in the history of the goddamned planet, Howard!
About the Movie:
Well I had never expected it to be a great movie when it started but surprised with its progress and the finale. In Last 45 minutes or so are so inspiring that you may have tears in your eyes against rudy’s never die attitude.
Rudy had only one dream and one aim of playing for Notre Dame and to achieve that he need to have excellent grades (which off-course he doesn’t have) to get into university first and then into the team after the assessment of his capabilities. All his life he was told he can’t do it, his dream is of some rich studs, which is out of his reach, which is not made for him etc… full of negative shit but his childhood friend had hopes on him looking at his passion, his love for the game. He realizes something after an unfortunate incident that kills his friend; he tries to overcome his shortcomings and decides to give a go.
Unless one tries or attempts he’ll never know about his capabilities and that’s what Rudy film is all about. Please watch this excellent movie.
Movie Quote:
Father Cavanaugh: Son, in 35 years of religious study, I have only come up with two hard incontrovertible facts: there is a God, and I’m not Him.
Dan Devine: No one, and I mean no one, comes into our house and pushes us around.
Pete: Well, you know what my dad always said, Having dreams is what makes life tolerable
About the Movie:
Coach Carter in itself inspired from two other movies but when the movie is presented well no matter what you will like it and this movie has some message to the youth. It is based on true story of Coach Ken carter and high school basketball team Richmond Oilers. It’s all about how it takes up the job as coach and change the mindset of losers into winning student athletes. He just not only prepare them and develop their body, fitness and agility but develop their mindset and broadens for their future benefit. Sport is not only The Thing for these students, Education is damn so important.
Before he starts coaching he signs a contract with each student where every athlete agrees to score 2.3 GPA as an average in their studies. Though with coach’s guidance this weakest team becomes strongest and undefeated team, except one rest all athletes scores or fails in their students breaking the terms and conditions of the contract. To teach them a lesson he boycotts matches and lock out the gym used for practice session. Parents and media depressed and angered with his decision calls for immediate action from the university and call for the removal of ken carter as future coach. This movie come with both happy and sad ending together.
Movie Quote:
Timo Cruz: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. You playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others
Coach Ken Carter: When we step on the floor every second that clock is ticking, we are pedal to the metal, we run the ball, we pressure the ball, and most importantly we control the tempo of the game, we make them play Richmond Oiler ball
Coach Carter: I came to coach basketball players, and you became students. l came to teach boys, and you became men.
Jason Lyle: You said we’re a team. One person struggles, we all struggle. One person triumphs, we all triumph
About the Movie:
I don’t think I should say much about this movie as we all know it has been the most watched movie of recent times by Indian Audience over the world. It’s a run-away box office worldwide hit and first in history to cross 200Cr mark.
A story revolving around three idiots of engineering college is based on Chetan bhagats five time someone novel though denied by the filmmakers. One idiot has joined to learn, another to take care of family and the third one is being forced to pursue under the pressure of his father. This movie gives us a message that one should not run after success rather pursue excellence and success will follow and is rightly said. Well the movie has one of the best comic scene or say speech which is hilarious and one of the best part of this entertaining yet educating movie.
Kareena Kapoor with her dhopla’s dialogue look good along with Aamir khan who stands out best out of three or I may not be wrong that the performance of sharman, madhavana and Aamir complemented each other. Boman Irani and Omi vaidya are excellent and in their true character.
Movie Quote:
Rancho: Pursue excellence, and success will follow, pants down
Farhan Qureshi: [after finding out Rancho topped their exam] That day we learned, when your friend flunks, you feel bad, when he tops, you feel worse
Rancho: This is college not a pressure cooker
Viru Sahastrabudhhe aka Virus: Life begins with murder. If you don’t compete, you will die
Rancho: Make your passion your profession
Viru Sahastrabudhhe aka Virus: Life is a race. If you don’t run fast, you’ll get trampled
Rancho: all is well
Rancho: These engineers are very smart sir, they didn’t invent a machine which can measure the pressure on the brain. If they had, we would have come to know that this was not a suicide but a Murder.
About the movie:
Though very rooted and realistic it remained entertaining and optimistic throughout the session. A 12 year old boy who is subjected to work in a dhaba due to poverty and gets inspired from watching our President Abdul Kalaam on TV and one day aspires to be one respectful person. He soon impresses his dhaba owner (gulshan grover at his best) while learning to make his tea with finest touch and delighting clients with his dhabler English. One day he is sent to one of the palace which is converted to hotel to supply tea where he finds the son of the owner of that hotel.
Soon they become friends and the other owner’s son help him to study by providing him his books seeing kalaam’s enthusiasm towards studies. Kalaam has another roommate who is jealous of his prosperity at dhaba and dhaba owner’s affection towards kalaam, hence he burns all his books and try to create some problems to Kalaam. There goes another misunderstanding between the owner and kalaam and kalaam is kicked out of the palace and the dhaba owner is also warned not to offer any help or work. There is always a happy ending in inspirational films as that’s what inspires us to look forward in life as well as it also indicates that due to certain hardwork, discipline, determination and dreams one always ends up being happy.
About the Movie:
When I first heard about the movie, I thought it was about an Indian or anything fastest related to an Indian but to my shock it was all about speech and Indian Model motorcycle. It’s a true story again about Anthony Hopkins, Burnt as in character leaves in new Zealand who had bought his first motorcycle an indian model that he fell in love with. His passion grew and over the time he made many modifications to his motorcycle and wanted to know how fast it can run. He just wanted to prove something to the world and to himself.
By the time he decides he is a retired old man living on pensions. He applies for the race to be held in US in Bonneville Salt Flats and starts his journey to the States. While on his journey viewers has every opportunity to learn many things from his character and infact I have come across one very old gentlemen, president of premier brand, a German whose ways of seeing life, never give up attitude, finishing off the task no matter how many difficulties you go through, making impression with your charm, knowledge, attitude, behavior and talking with respect no matter whether he is elder to you or kid. More than his goal, I loved his character. It was lovable and damn you can learn so much from his character.
About the Movie:
I had seen Hayat and when I came across comments on youtube many said you need to watch Children of heaven. I tried to get the link that time but failed and now when I had it I didn’t want to miss the opportunity. I, Just fell in love with this film. It was so touchy and heart whelming film. About two kids, their way of life and how they face or adapt to the poverty ridden parents.
These are children (brother and sister) with heart, innocence, knowledge and Wisdom. I had seen one Indian version also but that was made ott, here everything is subtle with as realistic as it can be. This is the best Children film I have seen so far.
About the movie:
A beautiful movie about a girl’s determination, dedication, struggle, aspirations, enthusiasm, patience, innocence, her respect towards others called “Hayat” blended so beautifully in an approximate one hour or so… You will get absorbed into the movie such that you may end up reacting to the situations occurring in the movie ending up reflecting your own personality and attitude towards handling such circumstances, situations and conditions.
It doesn’t take much of your time and please do watch it. Most of you will be reminded of those moments in your life where your grandparents or parents use to tell the stories of their struggle, conditions and other aspects of their daily upbringing.
It is not just for the kids but for every adult that displays practical examples of determination, dedication, discipline and dreams to achieve what they aim.
Every character has performed well but the stand out performance would go to the hayat’s brother. He was excellent in the movie.
It is one of the finest movies that I have come across in past 10 years or so. It’s so simple, beautiful and realistic
Tags: 3 Idiots A Wednesday Aamir Khan Amitabh Bachchan Anand Anthony Hopkins Barfi Ben Kingsley Black Bloodsport Chak De! India Children of Heaven Coach Carter Deewar Do Bigha Zameen Gandhi Gangaajal Hayat I Am Kalam Inspired Iqbal Irfan Khan Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar Lagaan Leonardo DiCaprio Matt Damon Mother India Munna Bhai MBBS Paan Singh Tomar Rang De Basanti Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year Rudy Samuel L. Jackson Swades Taare Zameen Par The Aviator The World's Fastest Indian Tom Cruise Tom Hanks Will Smith Yuva
I have not included many films such as 300, Lord of the rings, playful warrior, matrix, avatar, titanic, Braveheart and Miracle.
In Hindi too I haven’t mentioned few movies that i have not watched yet.
You have included even minutely inspirational films 😀 how is deewar inspirational? RDB never inspired me. Its climax is not good.
But I am very happy to see 36th Chamber of Shaolin. I recommend it highly!
Well from Deewaar the biggest inspiration comes from one of its famous line – “duniya me hazaron log hain jo bhuke hai, gareeb hain, iska matlab ye nahin ke sab chor bane”. Why does this dialogue takes place? What does it mean? One chooses righteous path and the other evil path.
Yes you can find inspiration with every film but I mentioned those which really pushes you to do something atleast for a day 😛
some shankar films inspire me for a day 😀
In recent films, I found that prison track of TDKR quite inspirational. The “Desi basara” moment when bale escapes from the prison. will post that scene in this thread once i find it.
Good Post FS but you included too many movies in the end.
Did you see Men of Honor?
thanks sputnik and yes there are so many movies that i didn’t want to miss from the list. I skipped Never back down, forever strong, playful warrior and other films that may qualify as action movies or entertainers of the year than inspiring movies. I also missed eng.vng 😛
Yes I saw men of honor after your recommendation (which was in my watch list as well) but i didn’t understand what his father meant? Was there really so much of discrimination against blacks in army?
Saw the movie some 10 years back so don’t remember in detail but had liked it and found the story inspiring.
Wikipedia says ” It is inspired by the true story of Master Chief Petty Officer Carl Brashear, the first African-American Master Diver in the United States Navy.” There was discrimination against blacks in US till the 60s.
I have a couple more recommendations and both are sports movies based on true stories – first one on Golf and second on basketball.
The Greatest Game Ever Played
Glory Road
Glory road is from the same producer of remember the titans 🙂 Will add in my watch list
Have you seen My left Foot, Stand and Deliver, Remember the Titans, Miracle, Cindrella Man, run away bride, soulsurfer, click and patch adams. All these are in my watch list.
Have seen My Left Foot, Remember the Titans, Cindrella Man and liked them. My Left Foot is inspiring but it could be a bit disturbing to see the lead character with cerebral palsy.
I think I may have seen Runaway Bride in parts. I think I saw Click and did not like it or may have only seen part of it. I did not like Patch Adams that much. I had read that it was the inspiration for Munna Bhai but I liked Munna Bhai more.
You might like Erin Brockovich too starring Julia Roberts – that is also based on true story. There is another movie Awakenings starring Robert De Niro and Robin Williams which is also based on a true story. I liked it a lot but some may find it very depressing.
Good post(s), I do find some of them inspirational, I also have a list of movies which I find hugely inspirational. But nothing compares to SMJ for me. I am hugely inspired by that TV show.
thanks ritz
Also Planning to cut short this part to 10 movies and continue the post with another 2-3 installments of it consisting of best of the remaining ones, adding new ones to the list that i watched and then merge all 4 or 5 parts together into 1 title Top “n” Inspirational Movies after few months 😛