The charm of an innocent and unadulterated gamin flipping into an unbalanced materialistic highfalutin chichi happens when one’s ambition is to chase down upon ‘who’s who list’, ‘top 100 list’, ‘numbers list’, ‘Money, or Luxury ’ – that through material possessions, through a ruthless competition pursued only on your own behalf can lead you to success though not always. But at this critical juncture of his career, at this difficult time it would be nothing but a poverty of ambition.
Energy, will and courage powers to success whereas slackness and arrogance leads to failure. Compassion combines with envy and arrogance to corrode integrity, honest self-regard and political soundness – that’s him at present.
The innocence, charm and grace which were the essence of his archetypes have vanished like a fart in the wind over the time and age or is it cognitive dissonance coerced to adapt to changing media and circumstances? Whatever may be the case I miss his “sometimes yes sometimes no” kind of grace and charm in his today’s wrinkled world and obsessive nature of arrogance.
He is not finding himself electrified or enkindled in the company of his loved ones but more so tend to be in the company of materialistic acquisitions which are nothing but greedy nature of one’s personality.
Unlike a villain he is more of a ruthless dynamo, bundle of energy, risk taker and go getter. He is someone who finds opportunities in every change, recognizes and promotes positivism even if the availability ratio is much smaller compared to negativity, always on the edge, always wanted by the opportunists, learner, career developers of many, one in millions of great minds, committed, dedicated, disciplined, arrogant, competent and vicious to dastards.
A man who does not think for himself does not think at all – Oscar Wilde
No reward for guessing 😛
Harman Baweja?!??