Shahrukh And Me Will Work Together Soon: Vidhu Vinod Chopra

  1. Milind 13 years ago

    By the whole tone of this interview–I feel two things:

    1. Hirani and VVC had zeroed in on Aamir for PK.

    2.Aamir might have given his nod thinking he will somehow dictate terms to YRF for a quarter delay.

    3. YRF showed resiilence.

    4.Aamir was made to understand the contract he has signed and he went back to D3 that in each way shall take up this whole year.

    5.VVC might approach SRK with this same project later this year after September maybe.

    OR OR OR

    VVC might ask SRK to feature in his chhittiyan!

  2. jamoon 13 years ago

    VVC is a straight-faced liar and clever guy. He has no intentions of taking SRK in his movie and I hope he doesn’t take him in a movie he himself is directing. As it is SRK is making blunders by working with Farah, Rohit and many such wannabe directors.

  3. dwnpiyush 13 years ago

    self-obsessed guy

  4. fearlesssoul 13 years ago

    Aap Kataar* mein hain – if directed by Hirani
    Aap Khatre mein hain – if directed by VVC

    * – Waiting list 😛

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