Jai Ho Full Songs Jukebox

  1. dwnpiyush 11 years ago

    First impressions- Disappointing. Especially the love song. The word ‘naina’ should be banned. So should two people who call themselves Sajid and Wajid. And who wrote these lyrics?? I mean how much mundane and routine can you get. Nacho re, move your body all night, naina maar hee daalenge! The only song where it seems some thought was given to lyrics is ‘Baaki sab first class hai’, but there the singing is atrocious and there is too much noise.

    Saving graces: 1.) Photocopy song is catchy and has nice beats. The video should be a lot of fun with Salman in his element. 2.) The title theme is superb, though very short. It has been done by the new guy Malik though, and not Sajid-Wajid 3.) Salman Khan. The man has always managed to make garbage songs look better on screen. ‘Baaki sab first class’ looks damn good to me, with the way he has danced and added style to a more or less situational song

    • Anjanpur685Miles 11 years ago

      “The word ‘naina’ should be banned.”


  2. Author
    aryan 11 years ago

    Tere Naina Maar Hi Daalenge & Tum Ko Tu Aana Hi Tha songs are Ok aur bakhi sab kachra disappointing album.

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