If you are a blogger, aspiring writer or just someone passionate about movies then you might want to consider writing for us. We are looking for original interesting articles. These could be anything from Best/Worst movies of a particular genre/language to Best/Worst Actors/Singers and so on. It could be an article analyzing/critiquing the performances of an Actor/Actress or a Recco of a movie or an article on why you think a particular movie/performance is overrated.
These can even be articles that were originally published on your blog or elsewhere. But please submit the whole article. Articles in part with a link to read the rest of it on your personal blog or elsewhere will not be published. And we may not be able to publish every article that is submitted as we are looking for quality.
Unfortunately there is no money involved. You might get more exposure by writing for us. Tanqeed was the first to break the Barfi Plagiarism fiasco and was featured in numerous mainstream sites like IBNLive, Rediff and so on. Recently Tanqeed was mentioned in the DNA Article “Death of the gossip columnist”.
To submit your article please use the form below.
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