Tharki Chokro Song from PK ft Aamir Khan, Sanjay Dutt

  1. cr7 10 years ago

    Didn’t like it .Everyone is over acting

  2. Baba 10 years ago

    sanjay dutt is out of form. aamir is going to irriate a lot in this film with his retarded act

  3. 10 years ago

    hahahahahahaha…….! yahaan bhi ulluon jaisi shaql…!

    • 10 years ago

      ek hi ullu kaafi hai barbaad PK karne ko,
      har scene mein ullu dikta hai, anjaam PK kya hoga!!

  4. Antares 10 years ago

    Over Acting.. Too much

  5. AAP 10 years ago

    Cute song. Nice tune by AjayAtul.

    Swaroop has good voice but he has to create unique identity – he sounds much like Sukhwinder type.

    Loved the Sanjay Dutt dialogue and picturization.

  6. AAP 10 years ago

    Swanand Kirkire’s lyrics for this song – loved it. Captures the essence of the PK’s mysterious yet simple/bhola character. (Listened to whole song somewhere)

    • Baba 10 years ago

      ritz – going by the promos and posters so far, you think there is a chance pk might fall short of BB and hny in lifetime collections? whatever i have seen, 150 cr looks like a challenge to me. ofc my opinion can change 360 degree after the film

      • AAP 10 years ago

        I think so. This film just may fall short of of breaking records big time. But then we have all the stupid films breaking records in last 2 years. Records do not mean a good film anymore. I just want a film which entertains me.

        Business wise I do not know.
        Hirani may surprise. Before 3i ppl were saying this is abt IIT students and all so wont be successful universally.

        Lets see.

        A note on the song.
        Young generation these days are used to pathetic sync sound aashique2 type songs will find this song which is rustic and raw hard to appeal. It will grow slowly.
        Personally I found this a good relief from aashique2/ek villain type songs.

        • Baba 10 years ago

          ” But then we have all the stupid films breaking records in last 2 years. Records do not mean a good film anymore. I just want a film which entertains me.”

          good. thats a response from a genuine aamir khan fan/admirer. since ghajini there have been lot of aamir fans seen online who only speak of how his next movie will break records. many of them are fake who have just become his fans to bash some other stars.they are not really bothered about how the film is going to be

        • Baba 10 years ago

          i only liked one song each from a2 and ek villian. tum hi ho and galiyan. didnt care about other songs. and they are not timeless songs. i cant hear them now. bored

  7. sputnik 10 years ago

    Did not like the song and Aamir seems to be in full irritating mode. Sanjay wasn’t good either.

    Raju Hirani seems to be making his usual points in his usual style. A man is not supposed to hold another man’s hand because of homophobia but he is also not supposed to hold a woman’s hand. Sanjay Dutt’s character seems to be an odd choice for the scene though. Homophobia is more of a modern educated city guy’s thing.

    • AAP 10 years ago

      “Homophobia is more of a modern educated city guy’s thing.”

      True that. But the way PK holds his hand – Dutt’s character objects.

  8. shezad 10 years ago

    only hirani can save this film

  9. yakuza 10 years ago

    I loved this song, Rajasthani folk tune blended well, and song choreography is good too .. Sanjay Dutt in good form .. overall it delivered what i expected.

  10. jj 10 years ago

    The more I see of PK the more I have a feeling of The Day Earth Stood Still.

  11. 10 years ago

    it seems Yakuza must have loved paheli also

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