Student of the Year Posters Updated

  1. Serenzy 13 years ago

    I like it…It is a Movie highly awaited by me!

    I Hope the Trailer & Subsequently the Movie is a bit Mature & Different in it’s Approach than other Colorful-Bubbly Runofthemill Teenage/College Movies wid ofcoz some Soothing Young Muzik.

    This will be the True Test of KJo as a Director.

    He is a Fantastik Producer(Full Marks to him fr giving chance to New Talent in Abundance) & a Good Filmmaker[but he has been Deteriorating as a Director…Frm Fantstic KKHH to Craps like MNIK(SRK saved the day),KANK].

    • milind 13 years ago

      MNIK was crap!! In what way..? I would want to know why.then shall I comment further.

  2. prince 13 years ago

    First look of this film has a bit resemblance with 3idiots.

  3. Reddemon 13 years ago

    I liked the poster. Dont knw y but m interestd in dis movie frm the day it was announced. Hope to see kjo back in form. Expecting sumthng unique frm dis.
    KUDOS to kjo for giving chance to newcomers..!!

  4. Baba Ji 13 years ago

    is it a sex comedy?

    • Bored 13 years ago

      Not sure about sex part, but anything Johar directs is usually comedy (though unintentional).

      • Author
        sputnik 13 years ago


        • Baba Ji 13 years ago

          LOL ,hope kjo doesnt have just another youth romance here.there is no point of making such movie now.I hope it has some shock value.

      • milind 13 years ago

        Same as whatever nowdays Aamir is trying is turning into flop..DG,SMJ and quiet easily talaash which is facing competition with K786.

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