SOTD: Chaand Taare – Yes Boss

  1. Anajanpur685Miles 11 years ago

    Love everything about this song – singer/actor/ picturization .. all.

    People say Abhijit copied Kishore – I dont think so (maybe for some songs) – he was/is more effortless and smooth than Kishore.

    In lyrics (meaning of it) this song is similar to “Chhotisi aasha” from Roja.

    • Author
      sputnik 11 years ago

      Yeah the song is very well choreographed and excellent lyrics by Javed Akhtar.

      Abhijeet did copy Kishore’s style of singing but he did not try to copy Kishore’s voice. I don’t think Abhijeet is in the same league as Kishore when it comes to singing overall – specially comic songs or tragic songs.

      I think Abhijeet sang in a much softer voice for this as well as the song Main Koi Aisa Geet Gaon for which he deservedly won the Filmfare award that year.

  2. Anajanpur685Miles 11 years ago

    Well, agree about everything you said about Kishore – he was more suitable for comic and sad songs and Abhijit has softer voice. I think this comparison started when Abhijit did some albums of Kishore (many singers used to do that as Kishore was very popular from 70s to late 90s even if he was not alive).

  3. Baba 11 years ago

    good song and a good film too. srk acted well in this and some scenes of ce reminded me of his performance in this film.

  4. Baba 11 years ago

    never liked abhijeet personally. he has a very irritating personality and is very frustrated. he was never given any importance till sanu and udit were at their peak.liked this song

  5. Baba 11 years ago

    i like suniye also from the same movie 😀

    • Author
      sputnik 11 years ago

      Its copied from Ahla Ma Feki by Hesham Abbas.

      • Baba 11 years ago

        LOL, i remember this guy haseem abbas. he sang that cheesy nari nari song too 😀

  6. Anajanpur685Miles 11 years ago

    Discussing singers/actors personal life is a fanatical thing just for fan wars / online useless discussion.

    Discussing Abhijit’s personal criticism is a waste – same like Suresh Wadkar I dont at all like him in real life. But actors/ any artists for that matter should ONLY be judged by their onscreen/on-stage talent where they are good at. And Abhijeet was damn good IMO.

    • Baba 11 years ago

      you are right. infact he is not too good to discuss or waste time even at singer level. he got a name bcos he sang for srk. that is his claim to fame. as i said before, he has been a struggler for the longest time.he has been around for decades. he got some good songs and thats about it. his comments offscreen are pretty unhinged and fanatical. dont think wadekar is this stupid

  7. aryan 11 years ago

    Nice song one more song I liked in the movie is Main Koi Aisa Geet Gaoon.

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