Scene of the Week: The Silence of the Lambs sputnik, January 1, 2013October 19, 2018 Check out Anthony Hopkins in his Oscar winning role from The Silence of the LambsMore Scenes below Post Views: 39 SOTW Anthony HopkinsJodie FosterJonathan DemmeOscarScene of the WeekThe Silence of the Lambs
If you can place some scenes of Sangharsh it will show how lame we copied “we” means bollywood.Log in to Reply
These videos should play in India. in to Reply
good post. If ever a list of greatest characters ever written is made, Dr Hannibal lecter will feature in it. Same cannot be said about Jodie foster. I think she was emotionally too weak in the film. She cries outside when semen is thrown on her face in the jailroom by a patient..she used to get scared even by the voice of a door getting closed. every time she used to talk, she only conveyed fear. there is a scene where she is with her boss and he makes her wait, other police guards watch her and she almost gets claustrophobic.May be that was intentioned. But this aspect makes the climax look implausible. her shooting the killer in the split second under dark.Log in to Reply
Agree with Baba abt ‘Dr.Hannibal Lecter’ being One of the Most Well-Written & Performed Characters of All Times!The Same Cannot be Said abt the Movie though IMO.Log in to Reply
Jonathan Demme, the director of The Silence of the Lambs is no more. RIP.Loved The Silence of the Lambs and Philadelphia directed by him. Both are my all time favorite movies. Had liked The Manchurian Candidate too which was directed by him.Had posted Scenes from Philadelphia too a few years back. in to Reply