Scene of the Week: Hindustani

  1. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago

    I think all three scenes are excellent and everyone will have their own favorite from these. I just had to choose one of them as SOTW.

  2. Rotlu 12 years ago

    You could have chosen the whole film as SOTW/Y 😛 Iconic film

  3. Suprabh 12 years ago

    One of my most fav films.

  4. Baba Ji 12 years ago

    Hindustani is the first film of Shankar which paved the way for similar themes ( Nayak,aparichit).

  5. Baba Ji 12 years ago

    I think sputnik posted the second scene for let me comment on that too 😀

    It is the dim mak (death punch) of ninjutsu which is to numb or paralyse or even cause death to the person.Here it seems to be targetting the vagus nerve (most favourite and prefered part of the body by ninjas).

    • Ritz 12 years ago

      And what is this?

      This is inspired by Hindustani me thinks….similar hand movements in action.

    • Author
      sputnik 12 years ago

      I like all three scenes but the second scene is the introductory scene of old Kamal in the movie if I remember it correctly. So when I think of Hindustani that is the scene I remember first. At first I put that as SOTW then I thought that the first scene will be be the more popular choice. The cop scene is also good but the heroine’s old make up is horrible.

      I don’t know if the fights mentioned in the movie are even possible but they looked good in the movie.

      Shankar’s first movie Gentleman also had a similar theme. Arjun played a modern day Robinhood who steals in order to create a medical college. There is a flashback and a emotional story.

      • Baba Ji 12 years ago

        the way he numbs that man is very much possible and has been proved scientifically.Hitting the vagus nerve can even cause instant death.Ninjas are masters of dim must hv noticed when u get hit on the lower part of elbow,you get shocking pain.bcos there is a senstive ulnar nerve there which when hit forcefully can even paralyse the arm.These things are for real.

        Rajamouli said the basic difference between shankar and him is,shankar takes social themes and makes it in a commercial way while he takes abstract ideas and makes it in a commercial way.

  6. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago

    Eros has removed the scenes. So updated the post with new videos but could not find the second scene that I had posted earlier.

  7. Reddemon 12 years ago

    This is one of my most fav movie.
    The only things which i didnt liked were the songs which were so disturbing and the scene were few younsters were wearing Hindustani uniform. Dat was lol worthy.
    Rest was brilliant. Loved the ninja techniques.
    My fav scene was when kamal hassan hits his father with the table and police catches him and than se says sala pagal ho gya hai budahh or sumthng similar.

  8. Reddemon 12 years ago

    Also i dont suggest this muvi to anyone because of the wrong message it gives. Mr. Director killing is not a solution.

  9. Baba Ji 12 years ago

    sputnik – I uploaded the scene,you can add this video in your post as the second video.

  10. Baba Ji 12 years ago

    Just finished rewatching Hindustani after a long time.I dont agree with the film fully.its too extreme and kamals character is not a sound mind.he is schizophrenic.But what a brilliant film! 😛

  11. Baba Ji 12 years ago

    ironically,in that scene of his daughter,the old kamal was himself asking the doctor to break the rules! A doctor cannot treat a patient wth such burns without an FIR report.thats the rule.there are quite a few conceptual flaws in the film.

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