Sanket’s Review : Rocky Handsome

RockyHandsome Rocky Handsome is an attempt to weave human drama with stylishly choreographed action. But it’s a job half done. While the action is terrific, the emotions are superficial. However, if the film still manages you to hold your attention then because its got a dapper lead hero who gives his character the arc, the suave and the swag!

The film grapples initially with the pace. The Shruti Hassan sub plot is a major stumbling block in the film and the dots are unconnected. Also the camaraderie between the girl and John never really hits the sweet spot, thanks to inconsistent narration. But hang on, the film does offer some enjoyable oddball villainous characters that somehow manage to emerge menacing…funnily menacing!

But it’s the second half that’s far more consistent if not entirely engaging. The action sequences are totally offbeat for Indian films and the perfection applied in action is what makes the action appear cool. There’s violence, there’s blood shedding, there’s brutality – the action is the second hero of them film after John.

The best scene is the action choreographed in a dance club toilet. The entire sequence has action and item song inter cut which makes it interesting. The songs however are forgettable.

John practically owns the film. He doesn’t mouth many dialogues but his eyes and his facial expressions are enough to grant his performance. The little girl doesn’t really cut the perfect picture of cuteness. The prime villain, Nishikant Kamat, also fails to live up to what his character should have been.

It’s a film that’s only slightly above average thanks to elegant action sequences and the leading man, John Abraham who really lives through his role. But the script is such a major setback that you never feel for characters even when there are heavy emotional portions virtually demanding us to drop a tear. If some thrilling, stylishly choreographed action sequences will allure you, you might want to watch this film albeit with much lower expectations.

Rating – 2.5/5

1 Comment
  1. Ritz 9 years ago

    Thanks for review Sanket.

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