Party All Night Song – Boss

  1. Manish Kumar 11 years ago

    Loved it loved it .. loved it ….. (y)

  2. ank_16n 11 years ago

    decent Song……brilliant Beats… is good….overall good song..!! 😛

  3. Reddemon 11 years ago

    Gaand me dam h toh band karwalo??
    Thank God SRK didnt let yo yo to use such cheap lines.
    Dont know now at what level will these Cheap 60cr stars will go to to make their movie Hit.

  4. Suprabh 11 years ago

    wtf lyrics

    they are actually saying “gaand mei dum hai toh band karwa lo”

    how can censor board allow this.

  5. Suprabh 11 years ago

    by the way this is one of the worst song of the year..right there with 1-2-3-4.

    In fact 1-2-3-4 still qualified enough to be called a song..this is more like someone is cramming number tables in 3rd grade.

  6. Bored 11 years ago

    Yes this is terrible

  7. shan 11 years ago

    Another bakwaas pathetic song in the league of Desi Beat, Aao Ji (Bodyguard), Aa Re Pritam Pyare (Rowdy Rathore), Fire Brigade (Khiladi 786), 1234, ready steady po (Chennai Express).

    The less said about the musical “merits” of the song, the better. About the obscenity in the song, Censor board needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Banning such stuff is more important than those “Cigarette smoking” messages all over the movie.

  8. Suprabh 11 years ago


    I disagree abour Aa Re Pritam Pyare–it had a mighty catchy tune to it..Infact I think it was a really good song..(for its genre).

    • shan 11 years ago

      Fair enough 🙂 I did not like it because of the overtly suggestive dance steps and lyrics, but to each his own.

      This song is just terrible though, no redeeming factors at all! Not sure what people who are liking this are liking it for.

  9. Raj5 11 years ago

    Overdose of Honey Singh in this movie and Bollywood in general these days. I’d take RDB over Honey Singh if we’re talking about Punjabi rappers. I rather have neither but that’s another matter.

  10. Dheeraj Kumar 11 years ago

    It is not gaand me dum…
    here it clearly it is “kaan”….

  11. Serenzy 11 years ago

    I think the exact lyrics are – “Kaan main dum toh band karwalo” which is modified in such a way that it sounds like “G**** main dum toh band karwalo”.
    Nicely done, I’d say.

    But the song is bad, no doubt.

    But again tbqh, I liked the trailer very much and am having good expectations from this movie.
    I mean, we can makeout how the entire story will pan-up by just checking out the trailer itself but something tells me this will be quite an enthralling Masala Movie.

    • sputnik 11 years ago

      They actually mean “G**** main dum hai toh band karwalo” but he is singing it as “Kaan main dum hai toh band karwalo” to get away with it.

      This is the same thing as the DK Bose song. People who did not have issue with someone singing BoseDK should have no issue with this song either.

  12. Serenzy 11 years ago

    Yeah exactly, Sputnik.!

    And no-one needs to take some sort of ‘moral ground’ here saying that Akshay should’ve rejected this song and not done it and stuff.
    I mean would it have been more okay if Kunal Khemu was dancing to it!?

    As I said the song is Bad but they’ve twisted this ‘Kaan(d)’ quite nicely! 😉

  13. Suprabh 11 years ago


    Delhi Belly was an adult movie. If Boss is an adult movie..I have no issues.

    • sputnik 11 years ago

      Delhi Belly was an adult movie but don’t tell me that the song was adult and it was not played on prime time on TV Channels or that they beeped out the word BoseDK from the song while playing on TV/Radio.

      He is technically saying Kaan so there is no question of the song being adult or having to belong to an adult movie. So if someone is hearing it not as Kaan but as something else then it is the fault of their “kaan” and by that I mean only ears 😉

      • Suprabh 11 years ago

        ha ha ha

        Again…whether Delhi Belly was played on Prime Time or not..wasn’t my issue…I heard it as Gaand not Kaan or Kaan(d)…that’s why commented how could censor board allow it…

        P.S. I don’t think he’s saying Kaan…This line doesn’t make sense.. “Kaan mei dum hai toh band karwa lo”

        • Criss Angel 11 years ago

          iT doZz makE senSe … “dum” aLso has an hyderabadi meaning which means ‘disturbance’ or ‘annoying’

          sO he baSicaLLy meantz to say daT … “if you are being disTurbed then shuT the musiC” or “if uR having pRolems in uR ear, shuT the musiC”

          iF sEEn by this perspectiv, uLL feeL saTisfieD.


          • Vivekj 11 years ago

            I don’t agree with chris angel as he says that kaan me dum hai to band karwalo..because the song is really aggressive pressuring on having fun and party. The song wants to convey that one should party all night so he can’t se that ‘if you feel disturbance then shut the music’. Honey singh songs are always full of energy and dominant. He just want to say :
            Party will be on all night
            They don’t care whatever happens
            So even if you think that you got guts (gaan* me dum hai) then prove it by shutting down the music.

            It is all game of words but this time it has really crossed the line as that ‘g’ word can be clearly heard in the song. I cannot say if they have treated this song like this for the film promotion or to attract more viewers but i am afraid that if these types would be allowed, other people will get inspired and it will severely affect our coming generations and the way they see music as their soul.

  14. yakuza 11 years ago

    Blockbuster Song … 🙂

  15. ank_16n 11 years ago

    KAAN mein dum hai toh band karwalo……

    loving it……

    i have just one thing to say to all those who find this song vulgur…….
    @sputnik just for 1 hr de-activate this moderation thing i challenge every one who is finding this song vulgar will use even worse words than this KAAN word which they are hearing otherwise……
    those who are linking fevicol,1234, pritam pyare well to tell they they also have same words which u didn’t find double meaning..!! 😛


  16. sputnik 11 years ago

    Cut it out. No more comments on this “Kaan” topic. Already deleted some of the comments and will delete any more comments on this topic.

  17. Author
    aryan 11 years ago

    Boss Full Songs Jukebox

  18. kunal 11 years ago

    WTF!!! I love this song…gr8 hit

  19. Poonam 11 years ago

    The song is lovely no matter what is the lyrics ……….sounds good to hear …..thats all ……….

  20. Reddemon 11 years ago

    ‘kaan’ me dum tha isliye Band karwa diya 😀

    • Baba 11 years ago

      mere to remote ke “kaan” mein hi itna dum hai ki jab ye gaana tv pe aata hai channel hata deta hun 😀

  21. 11 years ago

    honey singh ki maan ki kaan

  22. vishal 11 years ago

    watever is it…..but i notice often people dont notice this….they just enjoy with it

  23. anna 11 years ago

    gand ma dum hai apke?

  24. sputnik 9 years ago

    This misheard lyrics video is so sunny.

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