Movies You Watched This Month – November 2012

The Dark Knight Rises starts off with a lot of build up about Batman. There are a lot of corny scenes and dialogues about Batman. Some scenes are excellent like the mid air plane scene, the football stadium scene and the initial fight scene between Batman and Bane. The pit scenes are the best scenes of the movie. The escape philosophy is very good. Christian Bale is good as Wayne and he has only a few scenes as Batman. Tom Hardy is excellent as Bane. The Bane character and his acts of destruction and the philosophy behind them seem inspired from the movie V For Vendetta. Gary Oldman’s character and Matthew Modine’s character are such cliches. Michael Caine’s character is totally unnecessary in the movie and even his acting was bad. Marion Cotillard is decent. I was able to correctly guess which character will turn out to be the bad one. So there was no big shocking twist. Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s character was so ridiculous. He goes around the city but never gets caught. Morgan Freeman’s character seemed inspired from James Bond movies. Movie was very long and could have used lot of editing. Its definitely overrated on IMDB. Does not deserve the 8.8 rating.


Ishaqzaade is pretty much Romeo and Juliet with the clans replaced by Hindu and Muslim political families. The movie was trying too hard to build up the characters of Parma and Zoya initially. Zoya’s character was being given unnecessary build up as some female firebrand but her character turned out to be pretty much a dumb bimbo. The getting fooled by Parma part was believable but going back to her father’s house after having heard his intentions was so stupid. Zoya slapping Parma and him pointing a gun at her was the best scene. The song Pareshan was excellent and picturized very well. The twist was good but after that it pretty much became a 80s movie – the couple on the run, the naachnewali who is in love with the hero helping them (they missed a 80s cliche of the naachnewali getting shot while protecting the hero). As some review said there are so many shots fired but hardly any one gets killed. The ending was pointless as Zoya and Parma’s act hardly made any difference to any one. Arjun Kapoor seemed to be trying to hard initially but seemed good later on. Parineeti Chopra acted well but her role should have been written better.

Vicky Donor is one of the best movies of the year. The first half was excellent. It did drag a bit in the second half but still liked it. The second half followed the template of Hollywood romantic comedies like Break Up or Wedding Crashers. The movie is one of the most progressive movies from Bollywood – the way in which it handled issues like sperm donor, being divorcee or being childless. Initially felt that the Bengali characters were unnecessary but they made sense as the movie progressed especially the father character as he became very integral to the climax in the end. Ayushmann Khurrana was excellent and he was totally the character. Yami Gautam looked pretty and she acted well too. Reminded me of Gayatri from Swades. Loved the flirting scenes and the whole back and forth banter between them. Annu Kapoor was excellent as Chaddha. Dolly Ahluwalia was very good. Kamlesh Gill who played the grandmother was excellent. Hats off to Juhi Chaturvedi for writing the story, screenplay, dialogues and creating such wonderful characters. Its not easy making movies like this in India and Shoojit Sarcar deserves credit for keeping it entertaining while not turning it into a crass or vulgar comedy.


  1. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago

    I am starting the Movies You Watched this Month series. I think the Month series makes more sense than the Week series I had earlier when I started the forum. I hope there is more participation this time. I am planning to watch a lot of movies this month.

  2. FS 12 years ago

    Excellent series Sputnik… I have watched almost 7-8 movies and more may be… Shall i just name the movies and give rating or synopsis is required? I thought of making a separate post again in the name of recommendation than thought to abandon it for time being 😛

    PS: Just add Month and year before the start or in the title that will make it easy to search threads or for references.

    • Baba Ji 12 years ago

      i have seen a classic porn film during this time. not sure if it can reviewed here 😉 i have lots to say though. cinematic excellence,bgm,characterisation,metaphors, etc zizek style

      • FS 12 years ago

        no one should stop you from discussing any type of film in zizek’s style.

  3. Baba Ji 12 years ago

    I wrote this about tdkr when it released :

    Baba Ji says:
    July 20, 2012 at 4:08 pm
    0 0 Rate This

    Christopher Nolan: escape artist

    Just back from tdkr. Good entertaning movie but not extraordinary.didnt like the villain much.he looked like a human-bull-dog and always used to keep panting as he could not could he when he always kept his nose covered?His look was inspired form wwe wrestler vader

    The action scenes between bane and batman are not very good.I dont know if its the costume of batman that makes him so slow in his punches but it looked like a fight between two senior citizens.Batman dodges bullets with his costumes but gets stuck with a knife in belly and bleeds!The vfx used at some places is good though.I liked how wayne escapes from the prison and especially agreed with the philosophy that was given.That was a good sequence.

    btw,Nolan didnt have the balls to show batman died in the end,I bet if he had not compromised for the BO,tdkr would pretty much fail how it happens in hindi films.Fans ofc enjoyed it just how HP fans enjoy HP.



  4. Baba Ji 12 years ago

    ” Zoya’s character was being given unnecessary build up as some female firebrand but her character turned out to be pretty much a dumb bimbo. ”

    agreed.this is a symptomatic issue with the small towny directors as you would also agree. they are hardcore male chauvinists.

    I saw VD in a very poor print but i remember being bored of the second half and coud not finish because of the bad print.first half was decent.

    • cr7 12 years ago

      ” Zoya’s character was being given unnecessary build up as some female firebrand but her character turned out to be pretty much a dumb bimbo. ”
      completely agree sputnik .

  5. cr7 12 years ago

    the dreamers- i didn’t get the movie. what exactly they wanted to show. it is a decent movie overall .the flow of story is nice with a beautiful heroine nude most of the time . but a pointless movie with weird storyline.
    the social network – repeat watch. brilliant .
    4 months,3days and 2 weeks- to the point narration, engrossing film. the canvas is small yet hard hitting movie i must say.
    pup fiction-watched this movie once in parts. watched full movie with a brrip. didn’t work on expected level. timepass movie. there are some intense moment but overall the thrill is missing.
    i am legend- 2 simply brilliant of the movie is so so.
    rowdy rathod- entertaining .
    maybe i missed 2-3 movies.will tell about them tomorrow.

    • Baba Ji 12 years ago

      i want to see the dreamers for sure 😀

      TSN is brilliant.

      Pulp Fiction – i liked only sameul jackson part.

      • cr7 12 years ago

        it has weird brother-sister relationship baba . it is one of the weirdest storyline for a
        film i’ve ever come across 😀

        agree about the samuel jackson part . i liked travolta too .didn’t like bruce willis part .

  6. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago


    No need for detailed synopsis. Just write 2-3 lines about the movie – what was good/bad about it. Added the Month and Year in the title.


    At least they gave villain some excuse that he has a breathing problem and the mask was for that. They should have had a open ending as Mihir said in his Dark Knight Rises article. Just show Alfred looking at the table and not show Wayne and leave people thinking whether Batman died or not.


    Agree that The Dreamers is a weird movie especially with the whole brother-sister angle and their nudity. The movie is good only for Eva Green’s explicit nudity 😉

    • Baba Ji 12 years ago

      nolans body of work has lead to tdkr being overrated . just like gulzar’s ishq-shava was overread as “cure” 😀
      happy endings work.nolan knew it. except that it made the film lame.

      • cr7 12 years ago

        TDKR dvd still to release 🙁

        • Baba Ji 12 years ago

          I downloaded a 900 mb file from torrent but both A/V was poor. I am looking for that prison escape scene. its not on youtube.wanted to post it in FS inspirational movies thread.

  7. FS 12 years ago

    My Left Foot – One hell of a brilliant performance i have ever seen from a male artist as well as the child artist (though small role). No doubt why he won academy award for his performance in this film. I liked the intention and motive of the movie but the flow of story was bit disappointing. The movie is about a boy with 75% paralysis. Only his left foot and middle body along with his face and head is movable. How he was ignored initially but later goes on to become famous writer and painter while painting and writing via his left foot. 4/5 1 point extra just for his performance.

    I was not aware of the actor’s real identity or his name when I watched “My Left Foot” and after few days I had a discussion with Dhamaka and he recommended another movie “in the name of Father”.

    In the name of Father – first half was really good but i was blown out by his performance during his interrogation in the movie where he breaks down into tears. That was so so real. I have hardly seen any male character enact with such realism. As I said He is just brilliant and then I came to know he is the same actor acted in My left foot :P. Story is about innocent irish people being accused and punished by ruling England courts for the crime they haven’t done that includes father and son, aunt and other relatives. Later helped by one brit lawyer which also brings govt involvement in misuse of law and order. It is based on true story. Second half is very slow. 3.5/5 (0.5 for daneil) After this film i watched

    The Last of Mohicans – The film looks bad in front of 300, troy, lord of the rings etc… but when you know it was made many years ago then its watchable. This time i didn’t like his performance that much.

    Revanche – French film which was not that interesting except some nude show offs of prostitute. will give 2.5/5

    The Intouchables – Again French movie but really touched with the film. Excellent direction with excellent cinematography and excellent performances by the characters. A black guy is hired by a paralyzed billionaire who later on goes to become very close friends. It has many funny moments that brings smile of your face. 4.5/5

    The Help – All about maids and didn’t find it interesting as well. It will bore you till death. Some who have patience might like it but I couldn’t stand more than 60 odd minutes. 1/5

    Sideways – after getting recommended in one of my own thread by prg, i watched the movie. It was a timepass movie with slow first half. 2.5/5

    Red Lights – It was a good movie about a scientist and her student clearing the doubts and removing all misconceptions about para normal activities. They also go on proving some magicians, godman and their frauds. It has very good ending with some twists in between. 3.5/5

    Bait – Its another shark story where they failed miserably. 1.5/5

    Remember the Titans – Inspiring movie about the football team who go on winning undefeated state championship. When there was terrible differences between blacks and whites, a school appoints a black football coach replacing some 11 time hall of fame white coach creating a rift between the school management and parents. The black coach succeeds bring in together the whites and blacks along with the former coach under him as assistant followed by thumping victory both on and off the field. One scene was brilliant when the coach takes his team to graveyard and talks about it. 4/5

    Soul Surfer – A teenager whose only aim of life is to be the best surfer loses her hand in an attack by shark. However she survives the incident and get herself ready to surf again. watch the movie to knw the fate 😛 rating 3/5

    Big Boss season 6 – Almost covered all episodes by now on youtube which i never cared for any of the past season of big boss till now. I am loving each episode and its a blast especially when salman blasts the members. All are decent members this time and most rules are being taken for granted due to siddu paaji… 8/10 most of the episodes and two of the weekend shows 10/10 for sheer entertainment.

    Eega – Pathetic Trailer but excellent film. When i saw the trailer, it looked pathetic too me and all the praise for rajmouli or something looked fake or overrated but after watching the movie he deserves all the accolades from various critics, fans and bloggers. Excellent movie with 3 beautiful songs. Sudeep has grown as an excellent actor. I use to like him in Kannada movies earlier too. I liked his intense but short character in Rakt Charitra as inspector. simple story told, with very good visuals, cinematography and special effects. I just loved the film for its simplicity. Rating 4.5/5

    PS: I’l update once i recall other movies that i watched during this month.

    • Author
      sputnik 12 years ago

      Wow long list.

      Agree on brilliant performance of Daniel Day-Lewis in My Left Foot. Its the performance that stands out more than the movie. Liked In the name of Father and his performance in it too when I saw it few years back.

      I would also recommend There Will Be Blood too mainly for Daniel Day-Lewis’ performance for which he won another Oscar. Also liked The Crucible starring him and Winona Ryder.

      • FS 12 years ago

        too much of homework now :angry: Once I get to know about the film i could not resist it from watching especially when there is little work in my day time 😛 Will definitely watch his movies now.and the ones that you recommended.

      • FS 12 years ago

        @sputnik – I watched “there will be blood” and i was really not sure whether the oilman daniel is the daneil lewis. one can recognize amitab in paa but not lewis in ‘there will be blood’ and that too with just one mustache. Movie was too slow but his performance was mindblowing and one can differentiate that if they have seen his other two films.

        I even checked the end credits to confirm whether it is daneil lewis or not and also to confirm whether this was the film you suggested me.

        Huge difference in appearance, his dialects, language, pitch and man it was so real the way they shown him grow from the middle aged man to older man and all his speeches looked so real. I didn’t like the film much but his performance was unbelievable (as i said you have to watch his previous films to understand it or to know the difference).

        • Author
          sputnik 12 years ago

          Glad you also liked his performance. I recommended the movie “mainly for Daniel Day-Lewis’ performance”. I thought the movie was a bit slow paced and too long too.

    • Baba Ji 12 years ago

      barring the commercials/ads , you have given everything what you saw this month it seems 😀

      Big boss best season was 2nd last season. it was cesspool.dollly bindra vs manoj tiwari.

      The last of mohicans has good rating on imdb. i came across this film while searching source of karan arjun BGM 😀 looked interesting from what i saw of it on youtube.

  8. FS 12 years ago

    Here is the remaining ones 😉

    Iron Man 2 – I had watched Iron man and loved the whole concept, idea and technology used in it along with excellent comic timing of Robert Downey. But the trailers of Iron Man 2 looked too OTT and hence skipped. When I saw Avengers (by trailer even this one was looking pathetic and more of a children type than entertainment for all), i thought i should watch Iron man2 as well. I am happy that I watched it and it was as good as part 1 but part one had good story along with visuals. I would rate 4/5 again 😛

    Philadelphia – As I mentioned above about daneils performance during his interrogation, you gotta watch tom hanks performance during that opera song playing at the background during discussion of the case. Its really inspiring and touchy film that is recommended to all. 4.5/5

    No Smoking – due to some doctor’s recommendation and his high thoughts on the other forum about the film forced me to check out the film “no smoking” and later regretted watching it for more than one and a half hour. I couldn’t get through the climax and stopped watching it further. hell of a confusing flick but may be last 10 min might have had never seen before twist or something but whats the worth when one is spending so much time on the film that is nothing but a bullshit sort of story till the last remaining 10 mins or so. If someone has seen please let me know the climax as i cannot afford to watch it anymore. I would recommend “no watching'” 0.5/5

    Kamaal Dhamaal malaamal – don’t know did i include in one of my recommendation threads or not but watched this movie few days back. It was just bakwas and don’t waste your time watching this shit 😛

    PS: Lets meet next month for further discussion 😛

    • Author
      sputnik 12 years ago

      Philadelphia was great and Tom Hanks was brilliant in it.

      You did not miss anything by not watching the movie in full. I watched the movie in full hoping that there will be some final twist that will explain it all but there was none.

      • Ritz 12 years ago

        I have hell lot of personal memories associated with Philadelphia.

        Tom Hanks was no doubt great but Denzel Washington was great too.

  9. hithere 12 years ago

    Since Oct 1.
    A separation – 5/5.
    Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance – 2/5
    Take This Waltz – 3.5/5
    The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel – 3/5
    Footnote – 3/5
    Snow White and the Huntsman – 3/5
    The Avengers – 3/5
    The Babymakers – 2/5
    The Five-Year Engagement – 2/5
    The Hunter – 3/5
    ChakraVyuh – 2.5/5
    Hotel Transylvania – 4/5

    • FS 12 years ago

      A separation 5/5? have you watched hayat and children of heaven?

      how is the performance of slum dog millionaire boy in “the best exotic marigold hotel”? looks like hotel transylvania is a must watch now 😉

      • hithere 12 years ago

        Hotel Transylvania – Is a kids movie and it is a well made movie in its genre.

        Have seen Children of Heaven (Good movie). A separation is a well acted movie (kids acted wonderfully). A cue Indian movies should take about emotional movies (though we make many).

        • FS 12 years ago

          for me A Separation was a simple movie with some good performances and loved its realism but apart from that its overrated. I like hayat more then children of heaven though hayat is inspired from children of heaven.

        • Author
          sputnik 12 years ago

          I liked A Separation a lot too. Agree with you that Indian movies should learn from Iranian movies.

          What I liked about the movie was that it had layers. There are small scenes which one might ignore or not notice but which say so much when you watch the whole movie. Like for example early on in the movie the father is teaching his daughter and scolds her about a word and says its about what is right. That small scene has so much meaning later on.

          When the movie starts it seems that the mother is being selfish and father is the good person and that the daughter loves her father more. But as the movie progresses we see something different.

          I had posted another movie Fireworks Wednesday (Chaharshanbe Suri) from the director of A Separation. Its not as good as A Separation but its in similar vein with a maid involved.

          Tanqeed Film Festival: Fireworks Wednesday (Chaharshanbe Suri)

          I have seen only a couple of scenes of Children of Heaven. Will try to watch that and Hayat.

        • Author
          sputnik 12 years ago

          Finally saw Children of Heaven. It is good when viewed as a children’s movie.

          Did not like the scenes where the father tries to get gardener work (husband of some woman screaming and the dog part) – looked like the director was trying too hard to add some comedy.

          Some scenes are very good like the whole sister running back and brother wearing shoes, sister losing shoe in stream and the final race scene.

          • Ritz 12 years ago

            Actually I liked those father scenes.

            Have you seen Songs of Sparrows? I think these gardener scenes depicted real picture of social life like the director effectively did in all his films and especially in Songs of Sparrows and IMO the gardener scenes were not added to add the drama. Even in India ppl shoo away lower strata ppl like that.

  10. Ritz 12 years ago

    Since Oct

    Oh My God – 7/10

    Rowdy Rathore – 6.5/10

    Watched 4 to 5 Alfred Hitchcok TV serials and loved all of them.

  11. I.One 12 years ago

    Watched following movies last month –

    Barfi! – Ok kind of movie, not too good, not too bad – 2.5/5

    Looper – Bruce Willis again. Fine performances. Ok story. Drags a lot after 2nd half. – 2.5/5

    Taken 2 – First part was good. Taken 2 is just about again OK – 2.5/5

    The Others – Nicole was fantastic in this horror thriller. Brilliant climax. 3.5/5

  12. Shinji 12 years ago

    Good Post Sputnik.

  13. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago


    Have not seen Songs of Sparrows.

    I am not saying that does not happen but the way were done especially the father’s acting – I felt like they were added for some drama and comedy.

    • Ritz 12 years ago

      Got it. I dont exactly remember the film now scene to scene but liked it a lot when i saw it.

      Would like to hear ur take on Songs of Sparrows – though my fav film of Majid Majidi is “Baran”.

      • Author
        sputnik 12 years ago

        Saw Baran. It was good but it dragged a bit in the second half. Liked the story of unconditional love but did not understand why Lateef never asks her father for marriage. Acting was good all around.


        Also saw a Korean movie about a cop who is investigating a murder. The plot involved his wife, another woman and a child who died in a accident. 😉 Movie was interesting. Was able to guess part of the plot twist but the twist involving one of the characters was very good.

        • Baba Ji 12 years ago

          so by now you must be ready with a barfi-type draft post for talaash 😀

          • Author
            sputnik 12 years ago

            Ha Ha. I don’t think Talaash will be a copy of it but can confirm only after watching Talaash.


            I can’t reveal it now 😀

        • FS 12 years ago

          What is name of the movie?

  14. FS 12 years ago

    Ritz – Just wanted to ask you, why do you love baran so much? I saw it yesterday and liked it just for the purity of its love/lust/infatuation or whatever it was 😛

    Please Watch ” A Willow tree” as well. Its a recommended for you Ritz after watching your past dramas online 😛

    • Ritz 12 years ago

      @FS – I loved Baran for what it was …I dont feel the need to explain to u who believes in online gossips etc… 🙂

      Regarding the dramas – I dont know what u r referring to. Most of these dramas were imagination of some members ….only Rks and Sup can confirm what I stood up to and what was the truth (as far as fake IDs case go). And I never lie ….never ever….and havent ever lied in my entire life. Even if I did so sometimes…I confessed I was wrong / or lied AND CONFESSED SO in 24 hours or so.

      Anyways…This discussion is abt other forum….so let it be

      But pls avoid judging me from other forums etc.


      • FS 12 years ago

        Ritz – Once you said you had love marriage and hence i asked that question. it was showcase of pure love/lust or whatever feeling it was but point was those feelings might have had in you during those days and is that what made you feel or like the film so much? You can avoid if you don’t want to answer as its personal

        About drama’s – When i said about drama’s I meant dramas only not your misuse of moderation powers or other behaviours. On SB you use to come and say many things like you left drinking, you learned something and again after few days you were back not your old insanity (drinking and less value for life). thats why i asked you to watch ” A willow Tree”. Its not about drinking but it is about wishing for something you don’t have and end up misusing those granted wishes and its outcome. You will like it thought you won’t see it 😛

  15. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago

    Just finished watching the Mexican movie Amores Perros. The movie has three interconnected stories. Liked the first one a lot and that was the major part of the movie. Second one was a bit annoying. Third one was a bit slow paced. All three stories have dogs as integral characters and these are supposed to resemble their masters. Liked this movie much more than Babel by the same director. Background Music by Gustavo Santaolalla was excellent especially in some scenes.

    Also watched half of Sympathy for Mr.Vengeance by the director of Oldboy. There are some movies where bad things happen and it seems so deliberate – like the director wants to show only all bad things happening and this is one such movie. It was very slow paced too and bored a lot. Couldn’t take it after a point and stopped watching.

    Also tried to watch Dial M for Murder by Alfred Hitchcock but got bored by it. It just wasn’t holding my attention.

  16. Serenzy 12 years ago


    I Think 21 Grams was also a Part of that Babel, Amores Perros Triology.

    Is it known as The Death Triology??

    Biutiful Starring OSCAR Nominated Bardém is also by the Same Director, I Think.

    • Author
      sputnik 12 years ago

      Yes they are part of the Death Trilogy. 21 Grams and Biutiful are in my list to watch.

  17. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago

    Saw Karthik Calling Karthik, Glengarry Glen Ross and a Korean movie The Yellow Sea.

    Karthik Calling Karthik was good but a bit slow paced. Was able to guess the twist part very easily as there have been quite a few movies involving that very same twist. Liked the way that he gets back at the boss and the way he woos Deepika. The call that he gets in presence of the psychiatrist was very good. Farhan acted really well and Deepika was not bad. She looked very pretty.

    Glengarry Glen Ross had a brilliant star cast – Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, Alec Baldwin, Ed Harris, Alan Arkin and Kevin Spacey. The movie has a lot of cussing and it was like who can cuss more. The movie is based on a stage play and most of the action (read cussing and screaming at each other) takes place in the small office. Did not like the movie much.

    The Yellow Sea started off well but then it became very confusing as to what was happening. The hero and the villain become kind of invincible – they are able to kill so many people and nothing happens to them even if they are shot or stabbed.

  18. Baba Ji 12 years ago

    saw Rowdy Rathore finally. It is only marginally better than dabang. Rathore part was ok but rowdy part is crap even taking into account this film is south masala. In that jail scene,when the minister comes to save the villain from being beaten, akshay just kicks his butt and he runs away just like that? wtf. He never comes back in the film! Singham was also a south film bordering comedy but atleast made more sense in how law takes its course. The death scene of Rathore comes across as some funny scene. Dont know it that was intended or not.Besides, there are too many slo-mo fight scenes. When you have a star like akshay at helm,why would you need cables and harness? stupid filmmakers.

  19. FS 12 years ago

    Watched Ponyo – Animation film from the famous director of spirited away. Animation was good but didn’t like the story that much. He tried to put some twists to the story but failed badly. 2/5

    • Ritz 12 years ago

      Havent seen Spirited Away but saw “Kiki’s Delivery Service” 2 days back and that was my first Miazaki’s film. Liked the film very much. Amazing characterizations, emotions and animation.
      FS – have you seen it? which other films of miazaki you have seen and can recco?

      • FS 12 years ago

        Even I have seen half of Spirited away coz now the animation is more advanced and spirited away has that old type of animated movie so didn’t quite like it. Seen Akira and even that was also some kind of Cartoon on Cartoon network. I have not seen kiki’s delivery service and will try to see it.

        • Ritz 12 years ago

          Kiki’s delivery service also has old animation but there is amazing detailing to it which I have rarely seen in 2D animations – its as if each non-living thing also has a character. for e.g. when he shows an old wall (paint gone, cracks etc) there is so much detailing to it that it looks like a real good painting which speaks.

  20. Serenzy 12 years ago

    Akira, Ponyo, Kiki always on My Movie List.

    Saw ‘Spirited Away’ Some Months Back and it was My 1st Ever Jap/Kor Anime Movie.

    Well, After Conti Watching the Fun n Frolic type of American Animation over the Years, SA was Surely a Welcome Change for it’s Mystical, Unique Storyline and Quirky Characters a plenty.

    Though as an Indian, it’s Difficult to Adapt and Connect to the Kind of Sensibilities SA had for the Global Audience, I wud Deffo Say that SA is a Animation Movie with a Difference but Not Among the BEST’s.

    • Ritz 12 years ago

      Serenzy, just to add to my earlier comment, pls dont see Miazaki’s work and try comparing it to american new age animation. Its like comparing a 3D Max animator to Da vinci’s painting.

      For me Miazaki is like seeing an amazing painting which talks to u – same way as watching per se Hans Bacher/Richard Williams work.

      Also, Glen Keane’s (Number 1 animator from walt disney) is as good as Michael Angelo and Da Vinci….sad that ppl (especially in India) these days think of animation as a separate entity for children.

      I feel ashamed that i didnt see the work Miazaki till now.

      Next in my list is “my neighbour totoro” – which is recommended to me as highly accomplished work of Miazaki.

      • Ritz 12 years ago

        Saw “My friend totoro” and liked it. Recommended for storytelling and cinematography. As I said earlier – dont expect modern day animation techniques…its very different here.

  21. Serenzy 12 years ago

    ” sad that ppl (especially in India) these days think of animation as a separate entity for children ”

    Yes Ritz, It’s a Shame!

    People Like Sputnik, Baba, Milind, Suprabh also don’t Follow It I Guess.

    Animation Movies have Some of the Best Techniques, Graphics, Creativity Used in them with Awesome Use of Action and Comedy and they are Like Drugs to Me…I am a Huge Animation Movie Addict.

    They have been a Huge Brand too[Panda, Ice Age, Lion King etc.]

    Even I am luking frwrd to Watch Tortoro Ritz…Heard Many Good Things abt it.

    I Have a List of 20-25 MUST Watch Anime[Kor/Jap] Movies…I Can Share if you want.

    • Baba Ji 12 years ago

      Serenzy, mostly I dont have the patience to watch animated films but I enjoyed Kung Fu Panda a lot. CCTC is a wannabe kung fu panda.

    • TopShot 12 years ago

      “sad that ppl (especially in India) these days think of animation as a separate entity for children ”

      completely agree. For me , I enjoy animation films more that regular films now a days.
      I have watched many animations films recently. And looking for more. Can you recommend some?

  22. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago

    Saw Drive and No Strings Attached.

    Drive is about a stuntman who moonlights as a getaway driver. He gets friendly with a neighbor and her kid. Her husband owes some protection money to the mob so the driver decides to help her husband rob a pawnshop and things go wrong. Movie was slow paced and the violence was very gory. Ryan Gosling and Carrey Mulligan were ok.

    No Strings Attached is a usual romantic comedy starring Aston Kutcher and Natalie Portman. Just timepass stuff. Aston Kutcher and Natalie Portman were good.

    • FS 12 years ago

      I loved drive, yes it is slow paced but the chemistry was too gud without any direct confrontation

      • Author
        sputnik 12 years ago

        Yes the chemistry was very good.

        • cr7 12 years ago

          ” Ryan Gosling and Carrey Mulligan were ok.” ryan gosling was just ok??

  23. TopShot 12 years ago

    @sputnik bro.. for me Vicky Donar is obviously one of the three best movies of this year for me. Other two being Oh My God and English Vinglish. Which I watched in earlier in the month. My short take on these two movies-

    OMG!- It is epitome of how to handle highly sensitive subject without creating controversy. Story of a man questioning very existence of god himself? Filing case against top Religious places? Seriously, no subject could have been more sensitive and dangerous than this, especially in India where Possibility of people’s religious sentiments getting hurt is more than monsoon missing its schedule. The way directed has handled it is simply great. Paresh Rawal is outstanding. How many shades of characters this guy can pull off? superb. Akshay as a god is very refreshing. Totally Recommended…!!!

    English Vinglish- 100% woman oriented movie in which lead actress is making a comeback after a decade and they thought it would make audience come to theater, sit through 2 and half hours and above all enjoy it? Hell yah! It did all those things. It made hardcore masala/comedy fan in me come to theater, sit through 2 and half hours and enjoy it to fullest.
    Very unique thing about movie is its simplistic story. Gauri Shinde’s execution of it makes it more intriguing. Shridevi looks like goddess of housewives, walks, speaks and act like she is living the story. Special mention and applaud goes to Priya Anand. Coz I simply loved her character. Another masterpiece of the year. Totally Recommended!!!

  24. Serenzy 12 years ago


    Finally, it’s Good to See Someone who Loved EV a lot.
    For Me, it’s the Best of the Year and I’m so soo Happy it HIT the 40cr Mark.

    OMG! – 3/5[I have had My Issues with the Movie..
    It’s 3/5 but a Must Watch IMO].

    VD – 3.5/5[A Good Refreshing Movie with Novel Subject and Qlty Acting from all Involved.
    Slackens at Places but a Pleasant Watch]

    – Will Give you the Animation List Shortly.
    But do you want Jap/Kor Anime OR American Animation??



    Luking forward to your Views on EV and OMG!

    I Agree with you on VD a lot and 2 Days Back I Saw Ishaqzaade and Maa Kasam, I’ve Fallen in LOVE with that Movie.

    Ishaqzaade – 4/5

  25. cr7 12 years ago

    haven’t seen EV and omg .but i liked vd a lot . certainly one of the best ending could have been been better .small issue .

    about ishaqzaade .i liked the starting half an hour.the rest is disappointment .expected much better from the director of ddc .

  26. TopShot 12 years ago

    I have not seen kor/jap anime yet…
    but I just love American animation..
    last week I saw Final Fantasy. not that gud story..but animation is top notch considering its a 10 yrs back movie.. its said that it was a first live action animation movie.. which then inspired animation in Avatar.. lead character of Dr. Aki Ross is so sexy and beautiful.

    btw on other topic… wat issuses you have with omg?

  27. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago

    Saw Warrior and liked it. Tom Hardy was excellent and Joel Edgerton was decent. Fight scenes were exciting. Liked the whole family angle in the movie. Liked the scene of the first fight where the wife is restless waiting for the call. One thing I did not like was that they took rooting for the underdog to a whole new level. The underdog keeps getting pounded but he still wins. I wished that part was handled better.


    “ryan gosling was just ok??”

    hmm I liked him in the initial parts where he seemed cool and then the shy part with Carrey. But later on there was not much except action. May be he was decent/good but I had over expectations. I liked him more in The Notebook and The Ides of March.

  28. Serenzy 12 years ago

    Blue Valentine, Ideas of March, Drive, Notebook[5th Rewatch] added to Watchlist.

    Hope Gosling doesn’t Dissapoint.



    Will get back to u tomrw..Pakka!

  29. shezad10 12 years ago

    saw ATM, 3 people are trapped in an atm, bcz a guy outside is very dangerous
    poor film , very poor,

    the cold light of the day , poor acting, poor film , a guy on holiday in spain, have his family kidnaped bcz his father is an old cia member, and they want a bag back

    the double, a thriller , an old cia member work with a new fbi guy to find a russian killer, just average,

    the contract , morgan freeman, above average, but better than the crap i have seen last week

    skyfall ( in cinema ) good film, first james bond i ever saw, the villain is good too

    don 2 : at least see it, very good film, have downloaded a very good 1080 for this one ( next in plan is ra one )

  30. shezad10 12 years ago

    and just finished monster
    japanese animation, 74 ep of 20 min
    a japanese doctor working in germany , saved the life of a litle boy after an operation, but the boy is seems to be a moster, after that 2-3 collegue of this doctor are killed
    after that start a long journey of the doctor finding this boy and an police officer finding the doctor ect…

    ( with some part a litle borring, but nothing in the whole )

  31. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago

    Saw The Killer Inside Me directed by Michael Winterbottom starring Casey Affleck, Kate Hudson, Jessica Alba. Its a movie about a cop who is also a psychopathic killer. Nothing great – no real suspense or anything. There are some S&M scenes and there is some really brutal violence against women especially in one scene. Casey Affleck acted really well as the coldblooded psychopathic killer. Kate Hudson and Jessica Alba were ok.

  32. cr7 12 years ago

    watched ghetu putro komola . its a bangladeshi fim ,tells the story of a abusive practice which was once a popular form of entertainment in one part of the country . the story is a complex one. but the narration is superb. just in a simple ,subtle way the whole story is portrayed. could have been technically rich specially sets and performance of 2-3 actors. but it is a engaging film because of the narration and the depth of the story . a credible effort . liked it

    • Baba Ji 12 years ago

      what abusive practice?

      • cr7 12 years ago

        hmm. the remote areas of northeastern part of the country were often cut off for at least 3 months each year by the annual rains. ppl practically didn’t had any job to do that time.a group of entertainers familiarly named as “ghetu” used to sing and dance for wealthy landlords in those 3-4 every ghetu team had a underage good looking boy dressed as a girl and performing . but their task is not limited to dancing and singing only, the were used as a object of sexual pleasure for the landlords.

  33. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago

    Just finished watching The Motorcycle Diaries which is based on the journey of the Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara and his friend. Cinematography and the background score by Gustavo Santaolalla were excellent. The movie starts off as a road trip of two guys but shows how Guevara is affected by the poverty and the leprosy that he sees during the journey. Its more of a movie where the lead character reflects on a journey but nothing drastic happens from the audience point of view.

    • cr7 12 years ago

      hmm.i like road movies .always wanted to watch motorcycle diaries but somehow i haven’t seen it yet. but i loved the song al otro lado del rio . at least for this song i will check the movie once.

      have u seen into the wild?if yes, give ur feedback

      • Author
        sputnik 12 years ago

        That song is excellent and deservedly won a Oscar.

        Have not seen Into the Wild.

        Read online that ghetu putro komola is Bangladesh’s official Oscar entry. So what do you think of its chances?

        • cr7 12 years ago

          i don’t think any bangladeshi movie has even survived the initial elimination in oscar .. it is a good film. this film is directed by favorite writer.he has died before the release of the film. he is probably one of the most popular bangladeshi ever. grown up reading his books. so i would be really happy if it make into the short list.but from a realistic POV there is hardly any chance.

  34. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago

    Watched Presumed Innocent starring Harrison Ford. It’s a courtroom drama about a prosecutor charged with the murder of his female colleague with whom he was having an affair. Movie was very good and engrossing though a bit slow paced. The suspense of the killer was very good and I was able to guess the killer only at the last moment. Even there the director Alan J. Pakula was brilliant. He showed one scene where you would guess the killer and in the next scene he made it look like someone else is the killer then again have a dialogue of killer almost admitting before the final admission. Harrison Ford was excellent. Performances by others (Raul Julia, Bonnie Bedelia, Greta Scacchi) were also very good.

    Also watched Korean movie Handphone about a agent who is initially blackmailed about a sex tape of the actress that he is managing and then about a clip on the cellphone that he loses. I forwarded part of it because it was taking too long to come to the point. Then it became a cat and mouse game between the guy and the blackmailer who has his phone. It was interesting till he tracks down the caller but after that it dragged and had too many twists and sub plots.

  35. FS 12 years ago

    Watched Songs of Sparrows – Liked it but one thing i came to know from majid Majidi that he tries to portray a film the way life is… Its not like in the end you either get to rejoice or get depressed… Life moves on and he has hardly shown anything that is not realistic in approach… I love his films for his honesty and to keep it simple.

    Spiderman 3 – this time i didn’t like the film much though it is 4th or 5th time 😛

  36. FS 12 years ago

    Watched Heroine – Its bit of Dirty Picture, bit of Page 3 and bit of Fashion mixed together to make something new out of it but in the end it looked like a simple plain story of an actress and her possessive nature loosing the temperament of patience. Anyways, I liked the film and it was nice except the end part… Performance wise Kareena was good and randeep hooda took all the limelight from Arjun Rampal…

    Watched Illusionist – Film was Ok and but mostly it was surreal…. they didn’t even disclose how he did those tricks and using what equipments. Mostly it was more of an imaginative than realistic and I believe “Prestige” was much much better compared ot Illusionist… As from entertainment point of view, it keeps you engrossed throughout but the final revelation doesn’t surprise you at all. Moreover it is predictable.

    • Author
      sputnik 12 years ago

      I had written a small recco/review for The Illusionist sometime back and this is what I said.

      “The Illusionist is a good period drama though the ending is a bit simplistic with a montage showing the incidents. The movie deliberately leaves one dazzled and wondering just like a good magic show.”

      Reccos: The Illusionist

      The Prestige was also very confusing to me with the “device”. I need to watch the movie again.

  37. Baba Ji 12 years ago

    no one should doubt my sexual orientation. i was forced to watch twilight part 2 😀

    i can see why twilight has craze among teens. there is an audience who craves for such sissy puppy romance sprinkled in a vampire looked like a low budget film. action was no better than ra1 or even krrish. it was just as cheesy.

    was free today so had an option to choose between sos and life of pi today. I acted like any mass india audience and chose sos. Entertainment and money security always the first priority 😛

    sos is yet another cheesy crap in the tradition of south masala remake. some scenes were funny here and there. ajay is good at some places and poor in some. action was ridiculous as usual.

    • FS 12 years ago

      Should have opted for Life of Pie as I can hear lot of praises showering till interval.

      Last time when i saw Breaking dawn, I learned how to deliver a vampire and what did they deliver in this part?

  38. cr7 12 years ago

    watched confessions few days back . disturbingly beautiful . intelligent script , delicately shot . one of the finest korean movie i ‘ve come across

    • FS 12 years ago

      RJ recommended me of Confession when I made that Korean Top 10 post and from then on I wanted to watch it but couldn’t find a proper torrentz link but after reading your comment forced me to download and just finished watching it. Agree with each and every line you said. Best Korean Movie I have watched so far….

  39. Serenzy 12 years ago

    Little OT:

    I have Noticed Many a Times to a Certain Extent[Not Always though] that YRF always Fucks Up Big Time when it Comes to BIG movies: Content Wise.

    Eg: JTHJ, Aaja Nachle,RNBDJ,
    JBJ, Mujhse Dosti Karoge, Tara Rum Pum, Tashan, LCMD, ETT.

    Not Claiming that they are the BEST at Medium/Small Range Movies, but they are Damn Good and Definately Make those Segments of Movies in a Better/ Superior and an Interesting Way and atleast, I have Liked them a Lot More Over the Years, Not Intentionally though.

    Eg: Ishaqzaade, MBKD, BBB,
    SN, Dhoom, BnB, Saathiya.

  40. FS 12 years ago

    Just finished watching Looper… Looper with loopholes but i liked the movie just for trying to be something new something different thought they weren’t that successful… Too many loopholes in the movie with too many ott action scenes… Weekly quota finished i guess 😛

  41. Serenzy 12 years ago

    My Views on ‘Ishaqzaade’

    RATING: 4/5

    Easily One of the Best
    Romantic Drama Movies I’ve
    Seen after a Loong Time from
    Bollywood and So Repenting
    it that I Missed it on the Big

    The Awesome Lead Chemistry
    btwn Arjun-Parineeti was
    Passionate, Wild, Vulnerable
    and Sizzling, all at Once.

    Habib Faisal just goes onto
    show what a Genuine Talent
    he is in B-Town and after
    Years of Struggle, he has just
    showcased it back to back in
    BBB, DDC and Ishaq.

    Genuine Stories with
    Strikingly Good Dialogues Set
    in the North Parts of India is
    her Forte and he is doing a
    Bloody Amazing Job of it.

    Habib and Imtiaz/Dibakar
    should definatly work on
    Some Movie Together.
    Absolute Treat it will be to

    Top Notch Production Values
    as Expected from YRF, What
    Extends the Beauty of the
    Movie is that it Blends the
    Small Town Feeling with
    Immense Success w/o getting Deeply into it like ‘Udaan’.

    Amit Trivedi is a Genius and
    the Song Composed do add a
    lot to the Movie with
    Pareshaan, Jhalla Wallah and Ishaqzaade being My

    The Entire Supprting Cast is
    Unknown but Chosen
    Brilliantly by the casting
    director with Anil Rastogi,
    Gauhar Khan and Natasha
    Rastogi being the BEST of the lot.

    Arjun Kapoor Acts well and
    does his Scenes in a Confident Way with a Naughtiness on his Face.
    He Resembles Abhishek
    Bachchan a lot and has the Potential of doing Some Good Intense Roles.

    But The STAR OF THE MOVIE –Parineeti Chopra!

    Fiery, Short Tempered yet
    Childlike and Innocent at the Same Time.

    Check her Out in the Scene
    where She forgets to Take
    Bullets of the Pistol OR That
    Scene where in the Danger of
    Death, She Talks about her
    Love for Studying Chemistry in College. Loved her a lot even though I
    haven’t seen LvRB yet.

    Gauhar Khan was Good to
    Watch in her 3-4 Scenes.


    Yes the Movie has a Large 80′s
    kinda Hangover to it and the
    Sequence of A Character Like
    Zoya Falling so Easily for
    Parma to Such Extent is
    Difficult to Digest but Overlooking these
    Shortcomings, Ishaqzaade
    was One of the BEST Movies
    this Year.

    Arjun-Parineeti shud do
    3-4Memorable Films together.
    They have the Potential to be
    One of the Best Jodis. And Hats Off to Habib Faisal.

  42. Serenzy 12 years ago

    Parma’s Granddad Kills his
    Mother in Cold Blood but
    instead of Going all Wild on
    him he goes and Smartly
    Saves Zoya’s Life bcz he
    knows he cannot face his Granddad’s Might.

    Also, how Cooly they Walk
    Out from the College when
    they know Parma-Zoya are
    Dead… Stamps out the Honour Killing Angle.

    The 1st Confrontation Scene
    btwn Parma-Zoya was
    Excellently Handled so was
    that Ladies Washroom Scene.
    I also Liked it when Parma assures to Zoya that he will be back in 2Minutes when he gets down from the Bus.

    You can Just Fear,sumthing’s about to go Wrong!


    BBB – 3/5

    DDC – 3.5/5[KKG, OLLO Remain the Better Movie in this Domain]

    Ishaqzaade – 4/5

  43. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago

    Saw Argo. Good movie – it takes a while to get started but the last 30 minutes were quite thrilling even though I knew the ending as it is based on a true story.

    Its about the CIA attempt to rescue six US embassy officials who are hiding in the Canadian Ambassador’s home during the Iranian revolution by posing as filmmakers trying to scout locations for a sci-fi movie.

  44. Serenzy 12 years ago


    LSATSB Defines UltraCOOLness to Me.

    One of the Most “Bad Ass”
    Movies Ever Made!
    Hilarious in Parts and
    Excellently Shot with
    Awesome BG Score.

    Guy Ritchie _/\_ , Only For This Movie.

    LSATSB Over Sucky,Overrated ‘Pulp Fiction’ Anyday!

    Haven’t Seen SNATCH Yet…
    I am Sure I will SuperLIKE that One too.

    Haven’t Seen SNATCH Yet…
    I am Sure I will SuperLIKE that One too.

    I Looooveee Reservoir Dogs/LSATSB kinda Stuff. Such Movies Pawn Half of
    Bollywood Cringe Stuff *handsdown*

    I Liked Statham, Nick Moran
    and Jason Flemyng the Most in the Movie.
    They Focking OWNED it!

    And Sputnik, You wud be
    Interested to Know that ‘Phir Hera Pheri’ Stole Many Plots from this Classic and
    ‘Indianised’ it.

  45. TopShot 12 years ago


    Will get back to u tomrw..Pakka!

    ye tomorrow kab aayega serenzy bro?? 😉

  46. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago

    Saw the movie Regarding Henry starring Harrison Ford and Annette Bening. The movie was quite different. It had a good message but also quite fantasy like in its treatment. Harrison Ford is a ruthless lawyer who gets shot in the head during a robbery. The robbery scene was quite amateurish. He loses his memory and slowly gains back his ability to speak and walk. He starts living with his family whom he does not remember. He basically finds out that he does not like the person he was before the accident. Harrison Ford was excellent and Annette was good.



    I gave you posting rights.

  47. cr7 12 years ago

    watched TDKR . loved it 😀

    • Author
      sputnik 12 years ago

      Nolan’s explanation of the TDKR ending

      “For me, The Dark Knight Rises is specifically and definitely the end of the Batman story as I wanted to tell it, and the open-ended nature of the film is simply a very important thematic idea that we wanted to get into the movie, which is that Batman is a symbol. He can be anybody, and that was very important to us. Not every Batman fan will necessarily agree with that interpretation of the philosophy of the character, but for me it all comes back to the scene between Bruce Wayne and Alfred in the private jet in Batman Begins, where the only way that I could find to make a credible characterization of a guy transforming himself into Batman is if it was as a necessary symbol, and he saw himself as a catalyst for change and therefore it was a temporary process, maybe a five-year plan that would be enforced for symbolically encouraging the good of Gotham to take back their city. To me, for that mission to succeed, it has to end, so this is the ending for me, and as I say, the open-ended elements are all to do with the thematic idea that Batman was not important as a man, he’s more than that. He’s a symbol, and the symbol lives on.”

      • Bored 12 years ago

        Only problem is Warner Bros wont let Bruce Wayne retire ,,, WTF will happen to Justice League movie then?

  48. Serenzy 12 years ago


    – Find OMG! Tacky and
    Dumbed Down Types at

    – – His Shop Falling Down

    -that Sequence with the
    Insurance Company Guy

    – Govind Namdeo Hamming
    like Non Stop

    – Akshay Kumar Saving Kanji

    – Kanji’s Family Deserting him in Time of Need


    I don’t Say it’s a Bad Movie, Heck it’s Actually a MUST WATCH IMO but being the 1st of it’s Kind for Taking
    Such Jibes on Such an Issue
    it became a Rage across the

    Also, I Felt the Entire Focus was too much on Attacking the Hindu Religion per se.

    The Treatment was More ‘Sab TV-esque’ instead of Being Classy & Sophisticated.

    Production Values were Bad. But the Core Issue ‘Connected’ and that’s what Makes the Movie a Winner.


    The Direction was Weak.

    But for the Fab Dialogues,
    Strongly Scripted Story and
    the Awesome Acts put
    forward by Paresh and Mithun, I wud Suggest OMG! is a Total Must Watch.


    • Ritz 12 years ago

      Good observation. Agree on all counts except the Hindu thing.

      Production values was not much of an issue for me.

  49. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago

    Watched the movie The Dark Sea. It looked interesting initially since it involved a murder investigation but it then turned into a WTF movie pretty early on. Could not understand anything.

    Also watched Talaash for which I have already written a review. Liked it.

    Also saw French movie Tell No One about which I commented in the Aamir Khan Interview with Komal Nahta thread. Liked the movie as a good masala movie. Some of the things shown in the movie were too far fetched.

    I had not mentioned the name of a movie that I saw earlier this month. The name of the Korean movie is Secret. I had suspected that Talaash will borrow at least something from it but there is no similarity whatsoever.

    • Ritz 12 years ago

      How is “Secret” ?

      Saw Chinatown and quite liked it. Liked the dialogues and the pace of the film.

      • Author
        sputnik 12 years ago

        I had commented this earlier about Secret.

        ‘Also saw a Korean movie about a cop who is investigating a murder. The plot involved his wife, another woman and a child who died in a accident. 😉 Movie was interesting. Was able to guess part of the plot twist but the twist involving one of the characters was very good.’

        Its a masala movie. There is plot of cop being blackmailed and cop rivalry angle in it too and there is a flashy villain. The actor who played the villain’s role acted very well.

  50. FS 12 years ago

    Please move on to December’s thread 😛

    • Author
      sputnik 12 years ago

      Will start a new one today after watching OMG and English Vinglish.

  51. Serenzy 12 years ago

    I Can Already Imagine How Sputnik will Review OMG!

    Luking forward to Baba v/s Sputnik on OMG!

    And Very Interested in Knowing Sputnik’s Take on EV.

    Watching TALAASH in the 2nd Weekend.

    • Baba Ji 12 years ago

      sputnik has been an atheist in his life. He will relate more to the movie than us.

  52. Serenzy 12 years ago

    Don’t Forget Baba How Tacky the Production Values were and Some Sequences were Downright SAB TV-Chaap Silly.

    Govind Namdeo was Hamming thruout the Film.

    Mithun was Brilliant in his Potrayal but in Strict Cinematic Terms his Character can be Termed Cartoonish/Caricature Types!

    • Baba Ji 12 years ago

      Was the production value of EV at par with hw?Production value/cinematography/photography of a film is a very petty secondary factor for me. These are excuses thrown by ppl when the content of the film is not good depending upon their agenda. Acc to me , Bruce Lee’s fist of fury which has extremely low production values is a classic ,not the high budgeted glossy crap Kill Bill. By this logic, even raavan,kites and jhtj will qualify as good films as they had excellent production values.

      Goving namdeo was intentionally loud. Religious fanatics are like that only.Mithuns character is suposedly based on some real life religious guru.

  53. hithere 12 years ago

    Need a new thread 🙂

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