The film revolves around four brothers who share a love-hate relationship with each other. Their relationship progresses to another level when Saji, Boney, and Franky decide to help Bobby stand by his love.
The movie has so many good scenes like the scenes between Bobby and Baby or Saji’s scene with the psychiatrist or the scene where Shammi is shaving Bobby’s beard. Shammi’s scenes are all excellent especially the scene where he finds out that Baby is going to elope.
The story by Syam Pushkaran is very good and the dialogues are excellent too. Cinematography by Shyju Khalid is excellent. The movie is beautifully shot and the visuals and locations are excellent. Music by Sushin Shyam is very good. The songs are very soothing and beautifully shot.
Shane Nigam is very good as Bobby. Soubin Shahir is excellent as the eldest brother Saji. Fahadh Faasil is brilliant as Shammi in a small but very interesting role and completely stole the show. Anna Ben looked pretty and was very good as Baby. Sreenath Bhasi was good as Bonny. Mathew Thomas was good as Franky. Grace Antony was very good as Simmy. Sooraj Pops was good as Prasanth, Bobby’s friend. Ramesh Thilak was good as Vijay, Saji’s friend. Jasmine Mètivier was good as Nylah. Riya Saira was good as Sumeesha and Sheela Rajkumar was good as Sathi. Ambika Rao was good as Baby’s Mother.
Its Madhu C. Narayanan’s debut movie as a director but its excellent. Kumbalangi Nights is one of the best movies of the year.
Highly Recommended