Initial tune of Challa from Jab Tak Hai Haan Copied

  1. stewie griffin 12 years ago

    seriously dont talk about the god of music that way fs…it’s the other guys who travelled to the future and copied the songs from ar rehman πŸ˜€

    all i can say is rahman kare toh raas leeela…pritam kare toh character dheela πŸ˜€ after all he is india’s only oscar winner
    in seriousness..there are many other songs which one of my frens once made me listen to..especially the south one’s which are heavily inspired from different sources which i have no interest in finding out again as i have not been impressed with rahman’s music ever since jtyjn

    • Hrithik 12 years ago

      I mean this is the height of hatredness. If you don’t like Rahman then don’t listen to his songs but please don’t post such absurd plagiarism claims. I don’t see any similarity whatsoever apart from the fact that they both probably used the same instrument.

      I really liked your post on Barfi but this one is completely off. Please confirm before posting such stuff.

      • sputnik 12 years ago

        This is by another member. At first I thought there was no similarity too but now I feel there is similarity.

        Its ok if you disagree. Some people disagreed and did not like the Barfi post too.

      • aryan 12 years ago

        There is a similarity but you have to listen 2 or 3 times and no doubt in my mind definitely inspired.

        • Baba Ji 12 years ago

          Hrithik – you are right,tanqeed seems to have become a one trick pony since the blockbuster success of barfi post. but dont worry,i will start a “tanqeed health series” soon to bring some freshness. it will help you have unnnatural six pack bcos of should also read my post.and yes,also inform Gauri about this.

  2. sputnik 12 years ago


    When Tulmul gave the link to this song I searched and listened to the song but I thought there was not much similarity or its basic similarity.

    But now on hearing the two songs back to back agree that there is similarity.


    If you see the site for other composers it is called copied/plagiarized but for Rahman there are justifications like “commercially available loop” or “inspired” or “As usual the tune remains very original”.

    • hithere 12 years ago

      Initial part is common but I think you will find many more songs with same music..

    • fearlesssoul 12 years ago

      a new way to defend rahman – if the tune is copied with different instrument then its not plagiarised which pritam often does πŸ˜›

      PS: I love A R Rahman and for me he is the best music director for sure without doubt…

  3. desire4grave 12 years ago

    i dunt plan to see this movie since i don’t like shahrukh khan.. the opening tune sounds similar but i admit that i love this song the way rabbi has sung is fantastic..

  4. fearlesssoul 12 years ago

    this is what suprabh has posted

    • sputnik 12 years ago

      I don’t find much similarity in this one. I thought the background music from the JTHJ Trailer was similar to The Motorcycle Diaries background score but suprabh disagreed on that one πŸ˜€

  5. stewie griffin 12 years ago

    bhai log most things are inspired from something’s only the one’s that are baltant like pritam’s pehli nazar mein etc tht can be said copied…
    having said that there are people who when it comes to rahman has the bura mat kaho …bura mat suno..bura mat dekho mentality…
    if rahman hasn’t ccopied this, so hassn’t pritam for many of his tracks that just sound a bit similar…only difference is pritam is stupid enough to copy it 90%
    for rahman his trick is to convert low pitched songs into high pitched ones…i have no problem wid inspirattion as long as they are taken to a different level

    @sputnik-as for barfi..i would say some are definitely spot on wid some scenes…but scenes like the notebook,priyanka sleeping wid ranbir at his deathbed etc can be done by anyone…just because filmmakers haven’t done it doesn’t mean it is not common..
    imo partner is copied..barfi is not as long as someone proves tht the original storyline is copied from somewhere else
    ps-congrats on your monster post wid monster no of comments..i was hoping to see milind’s comments that would burn the keyboard itself πŸ˜€ by the way where is he?

    • sputnik 12 years ago


      I posted some scenes and yeah that Priyanka sleeping scene is ok but others posted scenes which were more direct ripoffs. Story line is also a mixture of The Notebook, Sympathy for Mr.Vengeance, Oasis and other movies.

      Milind is busy with his facebook group and also fighting Salman and Aamir fans on twitter πŸ˜‰

  6. stewie griffin 12 years ago

    sputnik in that case everything will be a ripoff of something or the other

    lol about milind..tell him we miss him

  7. fearedsoul 12 years ago

    The original articles in this blog seem to be about what is being copied :D. Some irony that!

    Honestly – we should be clear on this – pritam keeps getting hit for copying korean tunes – who cares – he makes good music. I have no issues with Barfi also – copied or inspired or whatever

    • Baba Ji 12 years ago

      hope you dont have issues with other copied films too.

    • sputnik 12 years ago

      hmm… use of the word “Honestly” about copying πŸ˜€ Some irony that!

  8. Serenzy 12 years ago

    “that! Honestly – we should be clear
    on this – pritam keeps getting
    hit for copying korean tunes –
    who cares – he makes good
    music. I have no issues with
    Barfi also – copied or inspired or whatever”

    Exactly…. As long as I Like it, I don’t care much where it’s Copied from.

    This ‘Copying’ Thing is like an Excuse for Ppl on the Net to Attack B’Wood.

    Some maybe Genuine and Some really maybe against copying but many just use it as an Excuse to Rant!

    • aryan 12 years ago

      Here in the news what we disussed earlier have a look this link in Hindustan Times.
      COPYCAT: Is SRK’s Challa from Jab Tak Hai Jaan inspired?

      • Ritz 12 years ago

        Well, all Indian media with few exceptions are like that only. Including TOI , HT. There are few exceptions like Hindu, Indian Express.

        @Sputnik, as your Barfi post made headlines, these ppl seem to copying from your site without giving the songs a listen.

        • sputnik 12 years ago

          Yes Hindu and Indian Express are good newspapers – they have some standards. Indian Express wrote two articles and credited the site whereas HT and TOI did not do that.

          I think IBNLive quickly made a post (before me) out of your comment about JTHJ Trailer music being inspired from Motorcycle Diaries soundtrack.

  9. HUMAyUN 12 years ago

    Its wrong,any person who says challa is copy or inspired , he must see the chords of challa & save tonight(mostly initial chords) he’ll get his confusion cleared….

  10. Chandra 12 years ago

    Why is that we don’t accept facts? The song by AR Rahman is ripped from Eagle Eye Cherry and it is evident. Creativity is more important than any individual – whoever he may be. We should not encourage this type of plagiarism.

  11. Vedanth 12 years ago

    A R Rahman has been doing right from the beginning. His fame is exaggerated , Pritam or Rahman, copy is a copy. Copy shows lack of stuff in them. people are really blind when it comes to his flaw. God bless his fans.

  12. musicmania 12 years ago

    Good one

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