India Waale Song from Happy New Year

  1. cr7 10 years ago

    Really wanted to like this song . But didn’t work .Boring. I couldn’t even finish the song .

  2. sauravjha 10 years ago

    Super hit Stuff. Will be a chartbuster!

  3. Author
    sputnik 10 years ago

    I had said that “the Indiawaale song is horrible” when I watched the trailer. It is still bad mainly due to the horrible lyrics but liked the part from 1:00 to 1:30 where the song slows down a bit and then picks up the tempo. Deepika looks pretty in the blue dress.

    The picturization is typical Farah Khan song and looks like they spent a lot of money on the song.

  4. Baba 10 years ago

    if this is the main song of the film, then music is goner. what the hell is deepika wearing? looking less like india walle and more like chandni bar waale

  5. yakuza 10 years ago

    Farah’s miserably failed attempt to recreate magic of “Rang jama ke jayenge, chakkar chala ke jayenge” from Naseeb once again …

    Farah seems too much in Awe of Naseeb .. First Johny Janny .. Now this.

    • Author
      sputnik 10 years ago

      Well the OSO song was a straight tribute/homage to the Johnny Jaan Janardhan song. I am not sure if this song can be called that but I get your point about some similarity.

      But isn’t “Rang jama ke jayenge, chakkar chala ke jayenge” a failed attempt by Manmohan Desai to recreate the magic of Anhoni Ko Honi Karde from Amar Akbar Anthony 🙂

      • yakuza 10 years ago

        Yes, when Naseeb was released, it was clearly stated by Manmohan Desai that this is royal version of AAA. So audience expectations was also inline .. and moreover Naseeb has its own iconic moments, that’s why it went on become big BO grosser, though def not all time earner as AAA.

        Yes, this song(rang Jama Ke) was an attempt to recreate AAA finale magic .. and it succeeded to deliver, it was chartbuster song having its own iconic(“Parda utha ke aaye hain, parda gira ke jayenge”) and clap worthy moments.

        I am sure .. Fahah’s next target would be “Zindagi imtehaan leti hai” or “Chal Mere Bhai” .. 🙂

  6. 10 years ago

    Bore !

  7. aryan 10 years ago

    Bad Song didn’t like the lyrics and music Song is Indiawale then why Abhishek’s wearing Arab dress.

  8. Anjanpur685Miles 10 years ago

    Not too bad by Farah and SRK standards.
    But Ai will eat this movie in business.

    • Baba 10 years ago

      Ai will not eat anything into HNY . not bcos HNY will be a great film or srk is a great superstar but bcos madrasi films cant do anything outside their small markets. robot starring rajini was a flop in hindi. aparichit (vikram last film with shankar) was a disaster

      • Anjanpur685Miles 10 years ago

        I didnt mean that Ai will eat into HNY, but Ai in itself will be a huge grosser in India and international markets. Tamil films are not having small market. Its just that the market is geographically spread out to Malaysia, Singapore kind of islands. In USA also Ai will be huge.

        Though in India Ai has chances of stopping HNY becoming the choice of movie this Diwali – the advantage which CE had is not there here. Though that does not mean much money anyways.

  9. saurabh sharma 10 years ago

    srk looks solid in these.. I do not know if these are photo shopped or he has created this level of body, BTW 1st one is by Dabboo Ratnani

    And this one is by Dabboo Ratnani. Thanks my friend. And thanks Avinash Gowariker. Now Farah don’t exploit me anymore!!!

    Posted by Shah Rukh Khan on Sunday, September 7, 2014

    • Anjanpur685Miles 10 years ago

      @saurabh, do u like kidney show?

      SRK looks so yuks showing off his kidneys as Hrithik is in Bang Bang !!

      Ulti aa jati hai aisa physique dekh ke…srk or hrithik ulti abs….

      • Anjanpur685Miles 10 years ago

        Its better to have man-boobs like Aamir than such ulti-reaction-kidney abs!!

        Hrithik and SRK are competing with each other for worst ulti ever !

        • saurabh 10 years ago

          I prefer ulti-reaction-kidney abs than man-boobs at any given day for me. I do not want man boobs for me at any given day.

          I think pic is good and it will look good onscreen too.

          • Anjanpur685Miles 10 years ago

            Aamir speaking in Bhojpuri will set the scores straight! Man-boobs or ulti-abs question will not arise ; HNY will not make even 50% of what PK will do in business.

            SRK will get another hit in the name of Deepika and Aamir will get another hit in the name of Hirani. Same thing.

            But Aamir is co-writer of PK too. Try to fuck that bro!!

    • Baba 10 years ago

      six pack abs are respected by fitness world bcos it is a sign of healthy eating,great discipline and self control. six pack doesnt come easy and neither does it go that easy once developed. because it is very diffcult to get out of that lifestyle once you get the six pack. with aamir and srk, i always suspect that they have faked abs bcos it vanishes as soon as the film is over! so srk made six pack for oso and lost all of it by the time rnbdj came. same for aamir after ghaini in 3i. among the khans, only salman actualy built a six pack for real

      • Author
        sputnik 10 years ago

        And now TOI has pissed off Salman fans with this picture and the caption and they are trending GetWellSoonTOI on twitter.

        • Baba 10 years ago

          this is from an old video released during ek tha tiger time i think. salman has been fat guy since 2006. also his face is superimposed on stunt doubles and you can eaisly guess when its done bcos the stunt doubles are thinner 😀

          here is the video of french stuntman Jawed el berni who did all the stunts in ett

      • Baba 10 years ago

        This is why i respect akshay kumar. one of the few persons in bollywod who actually knows and understands what real fitness is about. he has said the same thing which i said some months ago about the fake abs of khans

        “We saw how many stars have come up with the six and eight packs recently. However, Akshay seems to be completely opposed to this idea. He says, “If I need to build 8 packs, I will need to leave my job and concentrate on only building my body and work out for four hours everyday for three years and controlling my diet, otherwise it is not possible. If you have 8 packs any other way, it means that you have taken shit in your body, be it through supplements, muscle enhancers, recovery shakes or growth hormone shots. It means that you have become bigger, stronger, faster in the most harmful way imaginable. I repeat, it is going to harm a lot of people. I hope people read this, trust it and go the natural way. I have never had more than 6 packs. I don’t get them. I know training is hard, muscles hurt and goals take longer to reach, but when you are training naturally that is the best way. You have to understand that. What people are doing is cheating and getting you sucked into a multi-billion dollar franchise where they are teaching you how to build a fake body. I have friends and people in my industry, who are going crazy and people following them, as it is the easy way out. But there is no substitute for hard work.”

  10. yakuza 10 years ago

    Sputnik, One issue I noticed .. I have to login to see latest comments.

    • cr7 10 years ago

      Yup .i noticed it too .

    • Author
      sputnik 10 years ago

      May be it was because I had changed a cache setting. I changed it back to way it was before.

  11. cr7 10 years ago

    • Author
      sputnik 10 years ago

      The SRK Ab workout video was in response to Hrithik’s dare called Bang Bang Dare.

      He also challenged Ranveer.

      “To @RanveerOfficial my #bangbangdare get out of ur car n pose on d middle of any Main Street of mumbai fr your fans! Hahaha,bolo..accept??”

      And this is Ranveer’s response.

      • Author
        sputnik 10 years ago

        Ranveer’s dancing on the street is probably the coolest act ever by a Bollywood star.

      • Baba 10 years ago

        LOL. he is a big hrithik fan in real life and also one of the biggest attention seeking stars in bw. that makes him do such stuff

    • Anjanpur685Miles 10 years ago

      Sukka Khajoor Entertainment Pvt Ltd.

  12. FS 10 years ago

    There is nothing exciting about HNY. Should be an Epic Fail. Its already overhyped for no reason.

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