Exclusive info on Salman’s next… straight from Sooraj R. Barjatya sputnik, May 29, 2012 It’s known to all and sundry that director Sooraj R. Barjatya and actor Salman Khan have teamed up for Rajshri’s forthcoming venture. According to reports in the media, the film is titled BADE BHAIYA, with Salman essaying the title role. The film marks the return of Salman to family dramas — and Rajshri — after back to back comedies and action films.“First of all, I wish to clarify that the film is *not* titled BADE BHAIYA,” the normally reticent Sooraj R. Barjatya informs me. Speaking exclusively to this writer, the director of super-successful films such as MAINE PYAR KIYA, HUM AAPKE HAIN KOUN, HUM SAATH-SAATH HAIN and VIVAH says that his new film will follow the tradition of Rajshri movies. “It’s about familial bonding, about relationships and traditions. I’ve already completed scripting the film. We begin filming next year,” the soft-spoken director divulges. Barring Salman, no other actor has been signed for the film in question, he states.There’s a gap of almost six years between VIVAH and his new film. Didn’t he miss directing a film in the intervening period? “Yes, I did, but we were busy setting up our television wing. Television is no longer a tiny industry today. Besides, each show requires a lot of time and attention. The returns are huge too if the show clicks. The moment I felt I had free time on hand, I decided to work on the film project. And Salman was the natural choice for the principal role,” he smiles.Link Post Views: 11 News Salman KhanSooraj Barjatya