Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu showed huge growth on Saturday as it collected around 7.25 crore nett as per early estimates which is 2 crore nett more than Friday. The film is being totally driven by multiplexes in Mumbai, Pune, Delhi NCR, Punjab, Kolkatta and Bangalore. Saturday was good after an average start on Friday. The film may come out with a strong first week collection of around 30 crore nett.
At some of the multiplexes in these areas the collections were double of what they were on Friday. The film is making no impact in the CPCI areas as collections hardly showed a jump from Friday but multiplex areas are very good. Early Saturday figures from some circuits with Friday numbers in brackets are below.
Delhi/UP – 165 (117)
East Punjab 75 (56)
West Bengal – 35 (24)
CP Berar 17 (14)
CI – 17 (14)
Mysore – 62 (42)
Tags: Boxoffice Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu Imran Khan Karan Johar Kareena Kapoor Shakun Batra