Delhi Gangrape Victim’s friend and only Witness of Delhi Gangrape Incident Interview

  1. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago

    Really shocking and disturbing Interview.

    He says they took 2-3 hours to take them to the hospital and they took them to the govt hospital which was far away. He says the cops were discussing under which police jurisdiction the place comes under instead of taking them to the hospital. They did not even cover them up immediately there or even in the hospital.

    The lady who interviewed the victim went public the next day that the statement was given under pressure. A victim who underwent so many physical injuries and so much trauma has to give the same statement again because of this lady.

    This is callous behavior on part of cops and hospital staff.

    He says organs were removed from her by the rapists. This is sick disgusting animal behavior. No punishment is small for them.

    • hithere 12 years ago

      It is an indictment of public also. People are generally scared to get into these kinds of issue where they would be harrassed by system.

      • Author
        sputnik 12 years ago

        Yes it is indictment of public too. The govt should make it easier for people to help the victims and see that people who helped are not harassed by the cops/hospital authorities.

        • ank_16n 12 years ago

          but it not happens like that…recently an Man did suicide in West Bengal because Cops filed wrong cases against him and tortured him as he has rescued a girl who was being molested and harassed by a man..

          firstly the cops(All) Half-yearly reports shud be prepared and if any cop is found to be guilty of any leniency during his duty he shud be either fired or demoted this will create a pressure on cops to perform their duty fairly..!!

  2. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago

    This is ridiculous. Police file case against Zee News under Sec 228A for airing the friend’s interview.

  3. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago

    The girl’s father has himself revealed the name now.

    India gang rape victim’s father: I want the world to know my daughter’s name is Jyoti Singh Pandey

    Devastated dad tells The Sunday People he hopes revealing her name will give courage to other women who have survived such attacks

    She is known to the world only as India’s Daughter following her sickening gang rape and murder.

    But today, with permission of her devastated father, we can reveal her name: Jyoti Singh Pandey.

    Brave dad Badri, 53, told The Sunday People: “We want the world to know her real name.

    “My daughter didn’t do anything wrong, she died while protecting herself.

    “I am proud of her. Revealing her name will give courage to other women who have survived these attacks. They will find strength from my daughter.”

    We interviewed Badri and his family in his ancestral village of Billia in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

    They have retreated there to grieve away from their Delhi home – a place that will constantly remind them of the barbaric sexual attack Jyoti, 23, was subjected to when she and a male friend were lured on to a bus.

    His wife Asha, 46, was too shell-shocked to talk to us.

    Badri said: “At first I wanted to see the men responsible face to face but I don’t want to any more. I just want to hear that the courts have punished them and they will be hanged.

    “Death for all six of them. These men are beasts. They should be made an example of and that society will not allow such things to happen.”

    Recalling the day he found out about his only daughter’s ordeal, Badri said he had just returned home after 10:30pm on December 16 from his shift at Delhi airport where he works as a loader.

    His wife was worried after Jyoti, a medical school graduate, had not returned home from the cinema.

    Badri said: “We started calling her mobile and her friend’s mobile but there was no answer.

    “Then at 11.15pm we got a call from the hospital in Delhi telling me my daughter had been in an accident.”

    Badri asked a friend to take him on a motorbike.

    He said: “When I first saw her she was in the bed with her eyes closed.

    “I put my hand on her forehead and called her name. She slowly opened her eyes and started crying and said she was in pain.

    “I held my tears. I told her not to worry, have strength and everything will be all right.”

    At the time Badri still didn’t know what had happened. A policeman finally explained. Jyoti and her friend Awindra Pandey, 28, had boarded a bus to get home but had been taken on a two-and-a-half hour ride to hell by the driver, his assistant and four passengers.

    Both were battered with iron bars and Jyoti was repeatedly raped before they were stripped and dumped on a road leading to Delhi airport – yards from where Badri was working.

    He said: “I immediately called my wife and sons and told them to come to the hospital. But I couldn’t tell them about the rape.”

    For the first ten days Jyoti was in and out of consciousness and it was hopeful she would survive. Badri said: “Doctors did their best to save her. She spoke a few times but mostly through gestures. She had a feeding pipe in her mouth making it difficult for her to speak.

    But she did write on some paper that she wanted to live, she wanted to survive and stay with us. But it was fate that had the last say in the end.”

    Jyoti gave the police two statements, but Badri was too distraught to sit in as he couldn’t listen to what his daughter had been subjected to.

    “My wife was with her through the statements but she cried so much after hearing it all,” Badri said.

    “She then told me what happened. I don’t have the words to describe the incident. All I can say is they’re not human, not even animals. They’re not of this world.

    “It was just gruesome and I hope no one ever goes through what she had to endure.

    “She cried a lot, she was in a lot of pain. And as soon as she saw her mother and brothers she cried again.

    “But after that she was a courageous girl, even trying to console us and give us hope that everything will be all right.”

    Doctors were forced to remove Jyoti’s intestines and as her conditioned worsened, they flew her to Singapore for specialist care on Boxing Day.

    Badri said: “I told her everything would be OK and we’ll soon be back home. She was excited when we talked about going home and she smiled.

    “I put my hand on her forehead, she asked me if I’d had any dinner and then she gestured for me to go to sleep. I held her hand and kissed it. I told her to take rest and not to worry and she closed her eyes.”

    As Jyoti battled for life, thousands took to the streets to demand the hanging of the six accused and a new anti-rape law. But three days later on December 29 she had a fatal heart attack.

    Badri said: “I so desperately wanted her to survive, even though she would have to live with a memory of that attack and get through her trauma.

    “We’re so devastated that she’s gone. There’s a huge void in our lives. She was the centre of our universe. Our lives revolved around her.

    “Her absence is so painful, a future without her is unimaginable.”

    Badri said Jyoti’s friend Awindra was not her boyfriend – just a very brave friend who tried to save her.

    He said: “There was no question of her marrying because we belong to different castes.

    “She never expressed a desire to marry. She was concentrating on her studies and wanted a job first.”

    Badri also revealed that Jyoti often mentioned how much Awindra tried to save her.

    “She kept telling her mother he tried his best to help but they kept beating him with a rod.”

    Badri now cherishes the memories of his daughter. He remembers her dream of being a doctor.

    He said: “I told her I can’t afford to pay for her to do such subjects but she was determined. She wanted to be a doctor and earn lots of money and go overseas a lot.”

    When Badri first moved to Delhi in 1983 he earned just 150 Rupees a month – the equivalent of £1.70 today.

    But he sold some land to pay for his daughter’s studies and saved as much as possible from his 5,700 Rupees (£65) a month he now earns.

    Badri said: “It’s hard living in Delhi on my wages, very hard. But Jyoti always said she would change all of that. She wanted to change our lives once she got a job.”

    Jyoti had only just finished her four-year course in physiotherapy at college outside Delhi. She was doing an internship when she was attacked.

    Her brothers, Gaurav Singh, 20, and Saurav Singh, 15, were close to their big sister and cannot image how they will cope.

    Gaurav said: “Life is going to be so difficult without her. Without her guidance I don’t know what to do or how to go about life again.”

    Badri and all the family have been touched by the way the nation has supported them.

    He said: “The people of India have given us strength to cope up with our loss. I feel she’s not just my daughter but also India’s daughter.

    “I used to read about rape incidents in the newspapers but never digested it much. We’re so thankful to the people who came out to protest against the barbarity.”

    DNA tests have linked five men and a 17-year-old from the bus with rape and murder. The men will appear at the District Court in the Saket area of the Indian capital tomorrow. The 17-year-old will be tried separately as a juvenile.

    Badri now hopes mothers and fathers will teach their sons to respect women.

    He said: “The police cannot handle this on their own. But parents need to keep an eye on their children too.”

    Badri’s face lit up when he spoke of Jyoti’s dreams and invited us to look through his family album. Each photo showed his beautiful daughter smiling. In most she is wears western clothes, which she favoured over the traditional sari. She also always wore her long, dark shiny hair down and flowing – never tied up.

    In respect with Badri’s wishes he has asked us not to picture her.

    Releasing a photo of her is for another day.

    Indian law prohibits naming a rape victim unless she authorises it or, if she is dead, her family agrees to it.

    At the moment it is enough for the devastated family to sanction the release to the world of their precious daughter’s name.

    • Baba Ji 12 years ago

      i want to say something over here.
      its not believable. its not logical that a father who believes in caste system will be progressive enuff to send her daughter to a movie in night with just another guy friend.he was her bf for sure.i think girl went with him against her parents wish.let me put it this way.she was progressive but the parents were not .Now her parents may be saying praises for her in media, in close doors may just be critising her for her actions as to why she went with that guy.

      • ank_16n 12 years ago

        ok…I can agree and except what u are saying if u can give me one Reason how she was able to study physiotherapy at a Dehradun college if her Father was so backward and didn’t helped her……??

        2nd thing the girl surname is Pandey and boys Surname is also Pandey they are not from different caste but same caste….!

        And in India Most families don’t want their Sons or Daughter to marry in same Surname …so something is either misprinted or their must have been some Communication misunderstanding..!!

      • hithere 12 years ago

        Pandey and Singh typically are used by two different castes (Brahmins and Thakurs). I am not sure of Singh Pandey combination.

        India is changing and there are many marriages happening in different castes. But I can understand father’s point of view and where he is coming from.

        ps – Second pictures in mirror article reminds me of my village in winters; we use to sleep on floor with bunch of “puwaal” on the ground (I think for trapping heat).

  4. Author
    sputnik 12 years ago

    Saw this tweet online and I agree.

    “In 1 stroke Jyoti Singh Pandey’s father has ensured tht families of rape victims need not be ashamed – what mighty feat for a very aam admi “

    • Author
      sputnik 12 years ago

      Looks like there is a competition going on as to who can say the most stupid thing.

    • Baba Ji 12 years ago

      am i the only one who feels the uniform of RSS is gross? 😉

    • Author
      sputnik 12 years ago

      And the stupidity continues.

      ‘The lawyer representing three of the men charged with the gang rape and murder of a medical student aboard a moving bus in New Delhi has blamed the victims for the assault, saying he has never heard of a “respected lady” being raped in India.

      Manohar Lal Sharma said his clients will plead not guilty to all charges tomorrow when they make their next court appearance. His comments come as Indians have reacted with outrage to the opinions of politicians and a religious preacher who have accused westernized women of inviting sexual assaults. Sharma said the male companion of the murdered 23-year-old was “wholly responsible” for the incident as the unmarried couple should not have been on the streets at night.

      “Until today I have not seen a single incident or example of rape with a respected lady,” Sharma said in an interview at a cafe outside the Supreme Court in India’s capital. “Even an underworld don would not like to touch a girl with respect.”

  5. aryan 12 years ago

    Delhi gang-rape: Ram Singh was murdered, says his father – Live updates

    New Delhi: Ram Singh, prime accused in the Delhi gang-rape case, allegedly committed suicide in Delhi’s high-security Tihar Jail early on Monday. As per prison officials, Ram Singh, 32, used his own clothes to hang himself at around 5.00 am in ward no 5 of Jail No.3 in Tihar jail.

    However, Ram Singh’s family and the defence lawyer claim that there no reason whatsoever for him to commit suicide. As per them, Singh was murdered and demanded a CBI probe in to Ram Singh’s death under mysterious circumstances.

    Live updates:

    11.20 am Delhi CM Shiela Dikshit meets Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde. Dikshit refuses to speculate, says wrong to comment on this incident until the magisterial level enquiry is not over.

    11.00 am My son had accepted his mistake…he has not committed suicide; CBI should probe his death, says Ram Singh’s father.

    10.30 am BJP demands answers from the government. Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde says he will make a statement in Parliament.

    10.17 am Ram Singh hung himself from the ventilator grill above a door. The grill is said to be 7 feet from the ground. Questions arise on how he reached that height to fix the noose.

    10.15 am Post-mortem is being conducted at Deen Dayal Upadhyay hospital.

    10 am Crime branch, forensic team have reached Tihar jail. Investigators are awaiting the autopsy report that will reveal the exact cause of death.

    Although his death, for now, is being taken as a case of suicide but questions remain on the serious security lapse that allowed Singh to end his life before being punished by the court.

    The Metropolitan Magistrate who will carry out an inquiry will question the guard on duty, the warden and the inmates. As per reports, there were no CCTVs in the ward where Singh was lodged.

    “Singh was not alone in the cell. Other inmates were present and a guard was also posted. But nobody came to know about it. Around 5am, he was found hanging,” a senior jail official said.

    Singh was known to be prone to violent behaviour and mood swings and had suicidal tendencies but for him having killed himself without anyone come to know of it is shocking to say the least.

    9.45 am The Union Ministry of Home Affairs is keeping a close tab on the developments and has sought a report from the prison authorities.

    Importantly, Ram Singh was scheduled to be produced in the fast-track court for hearing in the case later today.

    Ram Singh was the driver of the bus in which the 23-year-old physiotherapist student was gang-raped by him and his five associates, including a minor, in south Delhi after brutally beating her and her male friend.

    Ram Singh, along with the other four accused, was charged with murder, gang-rape, destruction of evidence, criminal conspiracy, dacoity, unnatural sex and common intent in the case. The sixth accused is a Juvenile and is in an observation home.

    All the accused were under ‘suicide watch’ after they had stopped talking and interacting amongst themselves. Following suicide by Ram Singh, the remaining four have been put under 24-hour surveillance.

    The Tihar Central Jail complex has several jails, each identified by a number. While Pawan, 19, and Akshay, 29, are held in Jail No 4, Vinay, 20, and Mukesh, 26, are in Jail No 7.

    During the course of the hearing, Vinay and Akshay had expressed remorse for the crime and had sought death penalty for themselves.

    As per the unwritten hierarchy among jail inmates, rapists are considered the worst offenders and are always taunted and harassed by other inmates. And given the outrage generated by their horrific act, the Delhi gang-rape accused were always, reportedly, targeted by their jail inmates.

    Singh was arrested soon after the December 16 incident from near his home in R K Puram. The girl was raped in the bus.

    The girl died in a Singapore hospital on December 29.

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