Box Office Predictions of EK MAIN AUR EKK TU

This valentine, there’s exposure of a new novel pairing of Imraan Khan-Kareena Kapoor in an rom-com EK MAIN AUR EKK TU which is an official remake of “What Happened in Vegas”. The film is set to release on 10th February.

Opening day- 7cr

If the film has good word of mouth,

Weekend 1- 23.75cr

Week 1- 38cr

Lifetime- 60cr

If the film has mixed word of mouth,

Weekend 1- 22.75cr

Week 1- 34.5cr

Lifetime- 48cr

If word of mouth is bad,

Weekend – 22cr

Week 1- 30.75cr

Lifetime- 38cr

  1. narad_muni 13 years ago

    I have differed a little bit with you on the predictions but I admire you for your efforts always.

    You know – I always like to stick my neck out and predict a number rather than giving a range.
    About Agneepath, I predicted 62-62 Cr weekend and 115 cr lifetime. Looks like I am going to be bang on target πŸ™‚

    To me, Ek main aur ek Tu looks to be a winner all the way.
    The music is catchy and already a big hit with the urban audience. Kareena is luking ravishing as usual and Imran Khan, though hardly an actor, luks good for the role. The dialogues seem to be cool n wacky. I feel the movie will strike a chord with the urban audience.

    Predictions – 22-25 Cr weekend.
    Lifetime 50-54Cr.

  2. Author
    sanket porwal 13 years ago

    Narad Muni- The difference in our predictions, is not much πŸ˜‰

    By the way, even I like to make predictions with specific numbers. On NG, earlier when I started making predictions with such numbers (20.75,1.75, 50.25) people started to point at me. But that’s the way, i like it.

    Anyways, I am very hopeful of the content of EMAET. Infact, EMAET, Agent Vinod, Heroine ranks as most awaited film in my list. And co-incidentally all has Kareena in it.

  3. narad_muni 13 years ago

    Sanket, the difference is H U G E.
    You are giving 3 scenarios. So whatever happens, your prediction will always be true πŸ˜‰

    You should stick you neck out and tell us which is the most likely scenario. If you predict a range like 35-60 Cr lifetime, then it is no longer a prediction. πŸ™‚

    • sputnik 13 years ago

      Sanket cannot stick his neck out. It is patented by someone else πŸ˜‰

      • narad_muni 13 years ago

        I thought I had patented betting my ass…who patented sticking his neck out? πŸ˜‰

        • sputnik 13 years ago

          Utkal dada πŸ˜‰

          • narad_muni 13 years ago

            Yh.. I remembered the same just after posting it. Was waiting for someone else to answer that…
            I miss Dada πŸ˜›

  4. Author
    sanket porwal 13 years ago

    LOL Narad Muni. I guess your predictions of lifetime is based after considering that the film is good. So i thought in that category our predictions do not have much difference. πŸ˜€

  5. Rex 13 years ago

    No, the movie shud flop for the sake of BW’s future .

  6. narad_muni 13 years ago

    Rex bhai,
    which movies should succeed and which ones should flop to improve Bollywood’s future and why?

    • sputnik 13 years ago

      This looks like a 30 Marks question. Please answer in 200 words or less πŸ˜‰

      • narad_muni 13 years ago

        sputnik, please relax the constraint of 200 words for Rex.
        Rex bro, please make a separate post and enlighten us about how to improve the future of Boolywood. πŸ˜‰

  7. Shalu 13 years ago

    Hi guys! Just registered at tanqeed.

    I think the opening of EMAET will be less than 18 cr weekend. The music has not caught on with the audience and it is very much a only-multiplex movie. The valentine season may help during the weekdays though.

    • sputnik 13 years ago

      How are you? Thanks for registering and welcome to the forum. I have already given you posting rights.

      • narad_muni 13 years ago

        welcome to tanqeed Shalu…I had asked Fenil on FB to tell u abt this forum and request you to join here. (Fenil told me that u r not on FB).
        Am glad that u joined.

        So, u r also getting drawn into NO predictions…Gud! Lets see..I will stick to my earlier prediciton. I am pretty sure the movie will make around 50 crores .

        • Shalu 13 years ago

          Thanks narad_muni πŸ™‚ BTW, who are you on NG?

          Fenil had told me about it but I didn’t join because at that time I didn’t know about the forum. I only saw the homepage which looks like any other bollywood website. Today Sputnik tweeted me the link of the forum and here I am πŸ™‚

        • Shalu 13 years ago

          My prediction was only for the opening weekend of EMAET. If it is liked it may do 50 cr or even more.

      • Shalu 13 years ago

        Thanks Sputnik πŸ™‚ Thanks for the posting rights too!

  8. ali 13 years ago

    Hey Shalu,
    How r u.
    Glad to see you here πŸ™‚
    Welcome to this forum.
    As far final collection of the Movie is concerned, I think it will do somewhere in the range of 50-55 Crore and may be touch 60 Crore.
    Verdict will be Hit.

  9. ali 13 years ago

    Please ask Fenil Seta to join here.

  10. Shalu 13 years ago

    Thanks Ali πŸ™‚ Will ask Fenil.

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