Bismil Full Song from Haider and its uncanny resemblance to Shaolin Kung Fu/ My favourite picturised song from 2014 (updated)

Bismil Haider

Bismil song from Haider is among my most favourite choreographed songs of this year. It lit the screen up. For me this song was the high point of an otherwise dull film. The way it starts Tabu and Kay Kay are smiling and enjoying thinking her son is just happy on the occasion and the way their expressions change as the song progresses. Its really well acted. The masks and the giant puppets reminded me of Stanley Kubrick’s ritual scene in Eyes Wide Shut and it added to the mystery. But I find a very uncanny resemblance to many of the dance moves to some famous Shaolin Kung Fu stances. There is a mystery there why the steps of a Kashmiri were choreographed that way.

Bhagwan Hai Kahan Re Tu Full Video Song PK

Meherbaan Full Video | BANG BANG!

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  1. AAP 10 years ago

    Good compilation of pics Baba.

    These are Bhaands who are dancing – as was mentioned in the movie. Also there is an tradition of the masks – as Vishal mentioned in his interview.

    The song and choreography is outstanding indeed.

  2. AAP 10 years ago

    One may draw many parallels to other art form(s) or marshel arts etc.

    For me Bismil choreography was close to what I can assosiate with Moharram. Especially the scenes of Shahid beating himself on chest. I may be wrong. But thats what I thought on first impression.

    • Baba 10 years ago

      Thanks ritz. The steps are very combative in nature. Look at his step at 3:54 almost like a wrestler who challenges someone to fight by beating his thigh. As if provoking someone to a challenge.

  3. sputnik 10 years ago

    Excellent post @baba-ji

    Love the way you posted the corresponding pictures from Kung Fu.

    Here is the video of the making of Bismil where Vishal talks about the music, lyrics, puppetry and the Bhaands. The choreographer Suresh Adana talks about similarity with martial arts at 5:06.

    • Baba 10 years ago

      Thanks for this video sputnik. so my observation was right! 😀 and guess what i never saw this making video or even the bismil song promo. it was an instinctive reaction when i saw the movie and the song for the first time. I hope this song wins the best choreography national award. its a special song

  4. sputnik 10 years ago

    You should have made a new post of favourite picturised songs and left the original post like it was. This looks all jumbled up.

    • Baba 10 years ago

      those who read the original have read it long ago. i updated other songs of 2014 which i liked.

      • sputnik 10 years ago

        Yeah so there is no point in updating that post and adding more songs to it. Also the date of the post changes to a new date and comments are from older dates making it look odd.

        If you made a new post of best songs of 2014 or others would have also posted their favorites. But now they see the old title with the updated stuff and think you just updated the video or something.

        • Baba 10 years ago

          the post was about “best picturised song of the year” so i updated the other songs of this year. i have elaborated on one song bcos of its distinct moves and comments are related to that. ppl can still post their choices. looks like you liked the original post a lot 😀

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