Shubh Mangal Zyaadan Savdhaan has been pitched as the second part in the Shubh Mangal Saavdhan franchise which kicked off two years ago with the Ayushmann Khurrana-Bhumi Pednekar starrer in which Ayushmann played a young man soon to be wed, who is facing erectile dysfunction problems. The new film, which has been scripted and directed by Hitesh Kewalya, stars Ayushmann Khurrana and ‘Kota Factory’ star Jitendra Kumar as lovers whose relationship causes deep anguish for their homophobic families. Rajeev Masand sat down with the two leading men and the film’s director to understand why it was essential to tell this story in the comedy format, how they overcame prejudices and stereotypes to tell what they insist is a warm, funny, and sensitive story about love and opposition.
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