Two green reporters and rivals working for the Washington Post, Bob Woodward (Robert Redford) and Carl Bernstein (Dustin Hoffman), research the botched 1972 burglary of the Democratic Party Headquarters at the Watergate apartment complex. With the help of a mysterious source, code-named Deep Throat (Hal Holbrook), the two reporters make a connection between the burglars and a White House staffer. Despite dire warnings about their safety, the duo follows the money all the way to the top.
Excellent movie. Had watched it many years back and wanted to revisit since a very long time. The movie keeps you engrossed the whole time and is very interesting with the history and the importance of the story which brought down a US President.
The movie was nominated for for 8 Oscars including Best Picture and Best Director. The movie won Oscars for Best Art Direction and Best Sound.
Robert Redford was excellent as Bob Woodward and Dustin Hoffman was excellent as Carl Bernstein. Jason Robards was good but I don’t think he deserved his Oscar win for Best Supporting Actor. Jane Alexander was good too and she was nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.
Highly Recommended